Chapter 13

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"You have no idea what I would do to you right now"

"Katia stop it please" I say, moving my girlfriend away from my lips

"Pff, do want you want, however afterwards come to my house and you look at me that I want you"

"Are you in precycle?"

"It may be but it must not interest you, the only thing that must interest you is first of all that I get the cycle and secondly that I come" she says laughing then goes away to go get another cocktail at the bar and I look at her  go away while I get my hands in my hair

"That mysterious girl made your head spin, didn't it?"  Ludo asks me, she is my best friend and she always cares so much for me, I love her very much, and she deserves every good in her life

"It's that I don't even know what it's called, it's really mysterious" I laugh "but she was also incredibly beautiful, smiling, kind smile ..."

"Hey, you have heart-shaped eyes, even when you talk about Katia you talk about her like that," she laughs

Instead I am absorbed in thoughts for a while I don't say anything, Ludo realizes it

"What's wrong? You suddenly darkened"

"I want to put up Katia"

"What? Would you put up with the girl you were engaged with for five years just because you saw a girl only once yelling at a drunk guy with a beer in her hand going down a back?"  She is upset

"No, of course not only for that reason. I don't love her anymore, I don't feel anything for her anymore, I love her but I don't love her and then think about it, just when I wanted to let her go and cross my gaze with that beautiful girl, we looked at each other  eyes and it was love at first sight, I feel it "

"I don't know what to say to you, if you think it's the right thing for you, do it and know that I will always be at your side to support you, whatever choice you make, right or wrong that it is" smiles at me

I stand up and hug her, she is the most important person in my whole life and I was lucky to have met her

"Hey drop my boyfriend!"  Katia arrives and starts yelling at my best friend, pushes her away and starts kissing me, I take a quick look at Ludo and she understands

"I'll put up her of these days"


Hi guys, here's the thirteenth chapter.

Finally we also know the "mysterious boy", I hope you like this chapter.


I didn't think of reducing myself like thisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum