Chapter 9.4

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They come back out through the green, metal door. Tabitha sees the Huntsman immediately, a drop of black against the column he is leaning against. He catches sight of them across the room.

As they approach, Tabitha sees two passing Storytellers glare in the direction of the Huntsman. His posture shrinks as he glances to the floor. She frowns after them.

"All charged." Wildrose offers the Huntsman his Storybook.

The Huntsman tucks it away. "We're ready to go then?"

"Not quite, we need to go see the Godmother."

The Huntsman frowns. "Why? Will we even be able to get in to see her?"

"Dunno, but there's some confusion regarding the Storybook permissions that the Keeper can't deal with."

"I'll just wait out here then."

"Oh come on, it's been a while since we've seen her, and you know she'll be sad if you don't come."

The Huntsman sighs. "Fine."

"Hello," The Secretary greets them as brightly as she did the first time.

"We need to see the Godmother," Wildrose says.

"Perfect. She has an appointment in three weeks. I'll feather you in."

"That won't work. We have an issue that needs to be dealt with now."

The Secretary looks up from her Storybook. "I'm afraid she is very busy and can't see anyone."

Wildrose smiles. "Would you just tell her we need her to clear up a Storybook permissions problem and see what she says."

The Secretary narrows her eyes and Tabitha feels a stab of annoyance. The Secretary writes quickly, and then after a moment looks up with a renewed smile. "She will see you now."

"Thank you," Wildrose says.

They all move to the metal door, and this time there is an oval shaped door at the end of the white hallway. It swings inward as they approach and they enter a room shaped like an egg.

Bookcases hug the concave part of the wall, and gems hang from the ceiling in the empty space of the upper end of the dome. A plump woman stands on a ladder that rolls around the bookshelves. Her copper-colored hair runs down her back in a tight braid. She holds a green book in her hand, embossed with a gold snowdrop on the cover.

"Hello, Godmother," Wildrose says.

The Godmother's smile wraps the room in a warm blanket, her pale pink skin is radiant. She replaces the book and slides down the ladder, the edges of her emerald dress flaring slightly as she does. "Hello, my darling." She pulls Wildrose into am enthusiastic hug, which he returns in kind. When they part, the Godmother touches his cheek briefly before turning to the Huntsman.

"Godmother," the Huntsman bows.

"No need for that," she chides with a smile. The Godmother pulls him into a hug as well. "Are you done serving your penance?"

"No," he says quickly, moving back from the embrace.

"Are you any closer?"

The Huntsman glances toward Tabitha, then shakes his head. The Godmother follows his gaze to Tabitha and the smile grows bright on her face again.

"Hello." Tabitha bows. "I am the Prince of Redstone."

"Yes, you are, aren't you?" the Godmother says. "It's good to finally meet you, darling."


"Of course, as the Godmother, I can keep an eye on any of my Storytellers through their Storybooks. The Bluebeard can be a rather touchy tale."

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