Chapter 6.4

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Tabitha climbs carefully from the back of the wagon. The shoes feel flimsy compared to her boots, and the dress moves around her in ways she is not used to. She clutches her sword and sheath in her hands. The Huntsman is standing outside the wagon, waiting. His eyes widen when he sees Tabitha.

"Yes?" she challenges.

"She does look better since I did her hair and makeup, doesn't she?" Wildrose steps down after her. "I've only ever used the hair lengthening comb once before. I think the effect is worth it." His tunic fits him well and his hair is pulled into a band behind his head.

"Wait a minute. She? Is he really a girl?"

"Well a woman, but yes."

"You've been calling him a 'him'. You liar!"

"Calling someone by their preferred gender pronoun is not lying," Wildrose says.

"But the Laws don't doesn't did this on purpose! You didn't want me to know he ...she was a girl!" The Huntsman turns immediately to Tabitha and bows deeply. "I'm sorry, my Lady. I meant no disrespect."

"Black ..." Wildrose sighs.

"I would like to inform you that I am in no way interested."

"Interested? Interested in what?" Tabitha asks.

"I am not interested in you romantically. My love remains for the Lady of the Maze, and her alone."

Tabitha bristles and grips the hilt of her sword. Wildrose lays a hand on her arm, calming the uncomfortable rage, as he eyes the Huntsman. "Get going. I'll contact you tonight."

The Huntsman bows again to Tabitha. "Please be safe, my Lady, and don't get too close to the tale." He takes Kidder's reins and leads her down the street, with the Gelding tied to the back of the wagon.

"What was that about?" Tabitha tries to calm down as much as she can.

"The Lady of the Maze is from Black's tale."

"He was in a tale?"

"Oh, I thought you would have guessed. It's where his castle came from."

"So where is she?"

"She rejected him. Also part of the tale."

"Wait, is that pink scarf around his arm hers?"

"He's been trying to become a better man for her, and that includes being polite to all women. But never mind, we should get going." Wildrose motions her toward the carriage waiting out on the road. It was white with silver and gold trim, hitched to a pair of matching white horses. The driver and a footman watch them while trying to maintain an air of aloofness.

Tabitha approaches the carriage, wondering how she is going to get her foot high enough to climb in with all the fabric in the way. She reaches down to gather the skirt when the footman lowers a step and offers his hand to help her up.

She is glad for the gloves to hide her sweating hands. As she allows him to help her up, her foot catches on the front of her dress and she stumbles. Her hand reaches out instinctively to catch herself, but she is still holding her sword so it thunks against the side of the carriage. She manages to steady herself and climbs quickly the rest of the way in.

Wildrose enters and sits across from her. "Relax. You look like you're about to turn into a statue."

I can't be myself, I need to act like a lady.

The door to the carriage closes and after a moment lurches forward. Tabitha tries to settle the cloth around her in some sort of order as they rattle through the city.

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