"Did you tell them?" Harumi asked, not have moved from her spot.
"Yes I did." I replied, going back to (Y/n).
"Good, I'm going to go to the ninja ok?"
"Yeah, I'll join you in a sec."

She left and I quickly got changed and ran my head under some water to make it look like I had a shower.

Once ready I ventured up onto the deck where I could see Ninjago city below us and up to the bridge where everyone else was.
"So what's happening?" I asked Jay as I looked at the screen to see Zane in pursuit of E and Killow.
"They found out Zane was a spy." Lloyd explained. "And Zane found one of the masks on the back of one of the guys bike as well as the name of the person in charge. The Quiet One."

He showed footage of the Mask of Deception on the back of Killow's bike. "This is one of the masks right? What can the wearer do with it?"

"That's the Mask of Deception, whoever wears it will have the ability to move objects with telekinesis." I explained as Killow grabbed it and put it on. "So he will have the advantage to knock Zane off his bike if Zane isn't careful."

"Don't worry, I added a special feature to the bike." Nya's voice said through the speakers.
I watched as the top of Zane's bike fly off and start shooting the rocks that Killow threw in an attempt to knock him off.

"What's happening?" Kai asked as he looked at the screens where E was in hot pursuit of Zane.
I shrugged as I watched as the two become neck-and-neck with each other heading right towards a cliff.

We watched with bated breath as E grabbed onto Zane's bike as they drove closer and closer to the cliff before the two jumped off the bikes and the video feed cut off as well as Zane's location.

"Guys, his location disappeared." Nya said in worry through the intercom.
"Already looking for Zane's current location." Pixal announced.

I watched, unsure what to do, as the ninja rushed to various screens and pressing buttons to get Zane's location.
"Found it." Pixal announced and showed a map of Ninjago using a light blue dot to show Zane's current location until it flashed and disappeared from the map again.
"My apologies, it seems as though Zane has switched off." Pixal said.
"What?! We need to find him asap, he could be in trouble or something!" Kai said alarmed.
"I managed to record Zane's last known location." Pixal replied before bringing up a screenshot of the map.
"Thanks Pixal." Nya said as I heard the engine start and walked out to the deck.


I groaned and stepped away from a spotlight that I was using, my arms were aching.
"Do you want me to take over for you?" Jay asked and I nodded.

We had been searching for hours and the sun had set, making the ninja bring out these huge spotlights to help us find Zane.

Earlier on, we had found Cole who escaped from the base with a baby in his arms. Apparently it was the key to the last mask.

But how??? How does a baby have to do with anything in relation with the Mask of Hatred?!

I sighed and looked over the edge, using my night vision to help look for him discreetly.

I saw something bright on the ground and looked over to Jay, who was shining the spotlight to the left.
"Hey Jay, could you shine it over here? I thought I saw something." I asked, pointing at where I saw the bright thing.

He moved it and I gasped.
"Hey! We found him!" I called to the others, who ran over and quickly went down to investigate leaving me and Harumi at the deck.

"Pixal, lower the stretcher, Zane's in pretty bad shape!" Lloyd called from the ground.
A stretcher was lowered down and the ninja managed to get their broken friend onto it.
"Ok, winch him up Pix!" Nya called, and the stretcher went back up to the bounty.
They brought him into a smaller room with medical things and hooked a bunch of wires up to him which connected to some computers so Pixal could show what was wrong. We stood around him and waited with bated breath to see what had happened.

"How bad is it?" Lloyd asked.
"He has extensive damage to all systems, his neuronet and cognitive course suffered severe failures." Pixal confirmed.

'I'm going to pretend like I understood that.'

"Can you save him?" Nya asked.
"I've diverted power to critical life functions, but Zane will have to do most of the work. He must reconfigure his system and reboot himself."

'And that.'

"Is there anything we can do?" I asked.
"We have to keep moving, or the Sons of Garmadon will find us. They'll do anything to get their hands on the child." Lloyd said.
"I still don't get how a baby can be a key." Kai said.

'Me too bro.'

"I don't either." Agreed Cole. "But that's what they said, they called him 'The Key to the Third Mask'."
"If Cole's right, we need to disappear, get us as far away from Ninjago City as we can." Lloyd informed.
"It doesn't seem right, abandoning Ninjago City." Jay said a little sadly.
"We're not abandoning, there are others who will protect it." Lloyd said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Like who?" I asked, curious to see if there were other protectors.
"There's always Samurai X, whoever that is." Nya suggested.

'Oh, that guy.'

"Whoever it is, they're gonna have to cover for us until we get a handle on things." Lloyd said. "Pixal, set a new course, anywhere but here."

Word count: 2371 words

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