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Even with all that's going on in the world, it's saddening that police around the world are being so cruel to the black race...😥😥
   I'm a proud black girl from Africa, Kenya. I don't approve racism so if you got any hate on my race, f*ck off... Every life matters, and everyone should grow to appreciate everyone. Cause yah, what if racism becomes a pandemic and you just go out killing the next black or white person you see... God created us with our differences, and loves us the same...

  This book as you have hinted, it's a special dedication to all black and white people wherever you are around the world... I've never hated anyone because of color, so stop acting like you're God and choosing what color you want to love....

   I'm angry really... But, I still love all the pure hearts that ain't corrupted by racism... We are one world, both black and white...❤


I pulled the gray hood over my head, tucked hands inside my front jeans pockets, then slipped on the street and headed east.
   The night was warm, too warm for my liking. But it'd do, maybe I'd be lucky with a good kill. Of course, there was only too much filth in the gangs in Black Hills.
     A police car siren... A gunshot... A flattening heart...a woman screaming... A sobbing teenager... A cackling man...
I stopped listening to the distant voices after that. Whoever had killed, was my next victim... I loved seeing the terror in the eyes of these little criminals after realising there is a superior evil above them.
    Looking around, I jumped in the closest alley, off to get a hold of his neck.

       The street on this side was mostly abandoned. Most of the stores were closed. And all I saw was a weeping woman on the ground, next to a lifeless body. Beside her, there was a man holding up a gun to her head.
   "Why did you kill him?" She demanded at the man with the gun.

    He leaned, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Because...he's black. And secondly, he hasn't paid off my debt for damnsake."
   The woman swept the back of her hand to wipe off the tears.
"This is Black Hills. We blacks have as much right to be alive as any other human here!"

Her voice sounded so much stronger than I expected to be.

   The man roared in an ugly laughter, then pushed the head of the gun to her temple.
"If the cops drop by, I'll say I was defending myself from a black. It's nothing new, since the old days, your race is bound to serve us. We are the second to God! Now say a prayer before I unload two special bullets through your pretty brain."

   She just glared at him.
And a hiss snapped. "Make it quick!"

Hell no! I wasn't going to witness that fat man kill a woman simply because she was, black.

   I cleared my  throat walking out of the alley shadows.
When I locked eyes with the woman's brown ones, I saw the astonishment, and wanted to laugh my brain out. It felt like she really wanted to die.
Another day honey. I said in my gaze.
   "Who the fuck are you? You should have minded your business!" He stated diverting his gun towards me.
My trademark grin surfaced, as the street started darkening. The black mist blocked off the golden light from the building to my left.
    I felt his fear. Felt his shock.
And I felt the woman's own surprise.

    With little effort, I walked towards the man busy shooting aimlessly at the mist. I was sure he wouldn't hit the woman since she was close to the ground.
"Show yourself! You devil!"

   I laughed dispersing the cover.
He stiffened seeing me a hand away from him.
"You're a demon! A monster!"
  I swayed my hand in the air dismissing the pouts... "I go by many names really. Some call me the Black Demon, Agent of death, Lucifer, Satan, ghost, vampire, slayer... But honestly, I prefer my real name, Edwin. It's simple, and so easy to digest."
   From the ground, I thought I heard a little chuckle.

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