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        My eyes slit in a squint.
Wherever I'd been taken to, sure possessed a lot of wicked light.
   Then a splash came. My lips quivered as the cold water dripped from my head. My chest was soaked as well, so was my lap.
      "Wake up!"
His scary voice ordered before a glass shuttered to the floor.
Drowsily, I came around, saw nothing around, but old walls. The windows were broken and out of shape. The floor was crusty and dirty. It looked like we were in an abandoned building of the sort.
    Then he was there. Seated opposite me on the only other chair apart from the one I was tied on.
His glare was scorching.
His face burning in the glory of the light. From it's heat, it must have been afternoon, or evening.

     "Hey!" Will snapped giving my right cheek a small slap.

  "You ready to talk? Because I have such exciting ways to make you." Said, eyes falling beneath my feet. Snakes. Black slithery snakes that rested on my numb bare feet.
    "One silly move, and they'll bite. Believe me, one bite will feel like a dagger has been drilled in you. And just to be clear, I'll show you."

Lazily, Will reached down and picked one snake. He placed it on my lap, then hissed at it. Reacting to Will's threat, the tube-like creature snapped at my thigh.
  Even with the jeans on, its fangs dug deep like two new knives.

      I groaned under that gag, shot my face to the cracked ceiling as tears squeezed themselves at the corners of my eyes... The pain travelled from my thigh to my chest, and felt like vibrations of endless stings.
   What kind of snake was that?

It took me two entire minutes to recover, before laying eyes on the snake winding its way down to my feet, leaving behind a patch of blood where it had bitten.

      "That felt good, eh?"

I just looked in his eyes.
The monster in him cackled evilly as he stood.
     "Since we're on the same page, mind shortening your torture and tell me where the cursed gem is?"


Will sighed walking around me, his hand was rested on my shoulder, and squeezed. Something cracked, and white pain swirled though my entire body once more. Just that, this one never went away, Will had broken or fractured a bone in my shoulder... And didn't seem to mind about it.
    "It'll be fun. I can be both the good, and the bad cop. You only get to play the role of the victim. That's pathetic," he mocked coming in my view.
I was crying, sobbing under the gag... Where was the human William Denver?
    "I'll break you, bone by bone. But you won't die, no. Not till you give me what I want. Then I'll hang tour body from the highest tower in  Black Hills and give the people something to smile about, a fallen Cruise."

He was serious.

  His eyes didn't even blink, not even once.

     As if he hadn't just wounded me, Will sat down, put a thigh on top of the other, and threw those evil eyes on me.
"I have a reputation you know. I squeeze information out of anything. Even a Nataline god. You're too weak, and frail to be of any more fun than I'm getting now."
   He then shrugged leaning his upper body towards me. "Or should I go the sexual torture. I've never tried it, but I'm sure it'll be more fun. Especially how you flaunted that body in the bathroom... Yes, that's bound to be more fun since you're a girl and all that."

I squeezed shut my swollen eyes.

   That was one of those rare instances when I wished a Harry Blue would be around. I hated his guts, but, he had never physically broken me.
        "Agatha!" A snap shot.

I didn't open those globes, though could feel the tears rolling over my flushed cheeks.

   "I'm talking to you girl! Open those eyes and let me know where the old man his it!"

A CRYING GEMWhere stories live. Discover now