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             *AGATHA'S POV*

I could feel someone near me. Felt a new caress down my temple... 'Don't worry honey, daddy's back. He'll take care of you. You'll destroy Athaga as it was bound to happen.' A manly voice whispered in my ear.
     I startled awake, heart pounding, sweat rolling all over my skin.
Glancing around restlessly, there wasn't s soul in sight. Even Will's scent was scarce, he must have gone out again.
    I swept a hand across my wet forehead, and slid off the bed.

For, maybe two days after our lovemaking, will hadn't as much as looked me in the eye, or touch me. I tried to brush it off, with the excuse of him having too much to bear. But I knew, I deserved more than he was giving... I'd chosen him. He opt to have been sure he was really special to me.
        Pulling off the dump brown T-shirt, I walked in the shower, and took a quick cold bath.

My heart was unease as I walked back in the room, only to catch Will's fresh scent... Some Hindu music was playing from, his phone. Oh Lord, he'd forgotten his phone, and had put on my favorite type of songs.
     But looking to the side, a little white table was set up, two long purple lavender-scented candles stood in front of either wooden chair... Next to each candle, sat a white bowl, and an empty flute. A full bottle of red wine stood proudly at the center.
    Throwing my shocked eyes to the bed, a breathtaking blue gown hang from the edge, the yellow sticker attached to it had me moving closer.
  'Wear it. I'm sure it'll look pretty on you... Rushed for something, will be back.'
The most stupid grin corrupted my face from edge to edge as I picked the wear. Clutching it to my chest, I turned for the mirror, dropped the towel, and slid it on.
     Minute after minute at the table, my thick smile started to grow thin... He'd said he'd be back. Why was he taking forever?
Feeling so edgy and half mad, I stood and walked for the window to peep... A wave of ice cold air blast in to the open, but apart from that, all I felt was sadness in the atmosphere. Heard car horns, saw people walking along the brightly lit streets with billboards all over, and nothing else... How I wished I was all supernatural and could jump out of that window from the probably eighth floor was on.

    A soft bang drew me out of my rage-full world.
  "I deserve a tight slap for delaying a pretty woman, hm?" The low whisper filled my right ear, followed by a light caress down my arm.
I wanted to smile, but was angry, and worried what might have delayed him.
     "You deserve a hard blow!" I replied, never turning around.

Will's busy voice roared a laugh.
Then careful hands turned me around.
I held my breath facing him. The man I was falling for, the man that I'd never forget, and had never forgotten. The man, I prayed would be mine forever, I'd play for keeps.
  "What held you up?"

"Mmm... Let's see, maybe this jerk felt bad for being so cold to you after the other day. So he arranged for a special dinner with the pretty lady in blue... Then went to get a rose. But remembered that since her dress is blue, a white or red rose would be pathetic. So I searching for blue paint and dipped it, then waited for it to dry. Which was such a long time considering how impatient he is."

  I laughed surprised. But he was so serious narrating the story that it must have been the truth.
"Wait, you are kidding, right?"

  Will sighed shaking his head. "I don't think I'm good with love tales to know what would please a woman, but at least I tried to get you a rose."
     "A blue rose!" I cleared my throat. Then smiled sliding a hand at his neck. "I'd love to see it, please."
  He raised a questioning brow. "You sure? I'm warning you, it ain't pre-" "I don't care. I wanna see it. Where is it?"
       He sighed and turned to the door. Something laid quietly on the white table, close to the wine.

Without a word, we both walked there. Will picked, and handed the blue flower to me. Some paint remained stuck against the harshness of the  white surface.
    "Told you it's-"
"Beautiful. Rare. Unique." Smiled taking it in my hand, not minding the improperly dry paint.
   Locking eyes with the male, he wore one priceless expression... He lifted a hand, cupped my jaw. "Just the words I'd use on you," he whispered leaning forward and down to me... Our lips came in contact, and the now audible Hindu tunes made the moment feel a thousand times special.

    "Thank you Will," I cooed on his lips.

*           *           *           *            *

          "Now what?" I asked drawing imaginary circles on his chest. His heartbeats were moderate, his breathing steady.

    The hand on my bare back continued stroking me with ease.
"Now I face everyone else. Being that I only remember you in bits, and Athaga, will interfere with the mission."

At the mention of my grandpa, I lifted my head to look into his eyes.
   "You still don't remember what happened to you after you left the mansion that day?"

He shook his head caressing my shoulder now. Moving down along my arm. "Does it matter? Right now, I want to forget everything really."
    I blushed to the statement. Also to the hand now playing with my nipple... Will eyed me mischievously while shifting his head down to my chest. With a streak of courage, I  smiled grabbing him by the hair and guiding him to the target.
    Once he had it in the grasp of his lips, my eyes shut to a low moan of pleasure.
         Hard to believe he was the same man that wanted to kill me. That had tortured me almost to death.
A little bite on the nipple jolted me back to the present. And I looked down, watched as he sucked my breast with a tenderness of a child.

That thought unsettled my brain.
   And I felt something strange stir inside. Not in my stomach, but...womb.

     It came like an instinct.
Or like a natural knowledge.
And it escaped my mouth slowly.

     "I'm. Pregnant."


Hey followers of Crying Gem. So, looks like it's time I wind up.
    I know the part was short. But, I'm working on another book; Imperfect Union. You can check it out from my profile and have fun with Cookie and Damian...


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