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Even from a one-block distance, I could hear the loud music booming from the one-storey house.
    But it was well situated, near the woods, away from other residences.
The porch was crowded with teenagers loud chatting. As if they were competing with the volume of the crazy hip hop blowing off the rooftop.
   Most of them were dudes.

Then I saw the female in a lava-red minidress and six-inches heels that made her more taller than she was.
     Her lips were painted a daring shade of pink, the long eyelashes lined in heavy mascara to give them a more noticeable look.

       Suzy grinned like a devil as we met on the porch stairs.

"Finally, my hot date is here."
   "Huh! I'm sure there are a bunch of guys in there that'd happily be your da-"
  She swung a hand, brushing it off. "Nonsense. I get what I want honey. And you're mine till, well, I die."

       "Huh!" I speculated to her not-so-funny joke about death.

   She entwined out elbows and walked us inside. Bating eyelashes at the other dudes on the porch.
  "Do you really need to do that?"

"Oh shut up. They should never forget I'm the one sexy girl that they'll never stick their little p*nises in."
   My mouth parted in pure surprise at her bluntness.

     "Well that's encouraging, huh!" I breathed silently.

She giggled as we walked in where the real party was... Most of the faces were familiar. After all, majority were from our school.
      After grabbing two cups of punch, Suzy urged me to the dance floor.

   In what felt like ages, we continued dancing and emptying more punch inside us... The alcohol percentage must have been higher, because I was getting dizzy after the third cup.
      "You alright?" Suzy's distant voice enquired.

I shook my head, not responding to her question, but trying to shake my sense back.
   How could punch affect me like a drug I've never taken?

"Don't worry, I might have spiked your drink sugar," Suzy shouted over the music.
I frowned letting her go. But was pushed back to the devil by the bodies around us busy having fun... The DJ dropped an even louder and crazy mix. And the crowd went wild in screams.

  Someone dragged me out of that haven room, pushing me in an empty hallway.
      My head was still on top of the moon to really know what was happening... But Suzy didn't let go, not till we were in a dark room upstairs.

The music faded as soon as she shut the door, before flipping the lights on.
    I  groaned falling on the nest bed. Not minding about my surrounding. All I noted was the frame pulling off my jeans, and shirt.

        There were endless giggles.
"Oh my gawd honey, you're hard already," she marvelled once my jeans were off.

    "Damn you," I moaned rolling away from her. My head felt heavy, like triple its normal weight. What drug had she given me?
  "Relax baby."
I saw her straighten, then slip out of the little dress to expose her full feminine body in a red bra and red panties.
      "Like what you see?"
"Suzy?" I groaned trying to sit up. But the more I tried, the more energy continued draining.

  "Be still baby. I'm in control tonight. I'll give you a good-" Her speech was cut off by the blinking lights... I glanced at the bulb. At that flash, Suzy sucked a gasp. Sounded like fear but it was difficult to discern from my toxified state.

    When the lights steadied, the female's eyes were bulged, a hand poking right through her left chest side from behind. The male standing at her back smirked at me over Suzy's head.
       Will wake up! I scolded myself, my brain not believing that that had happened.

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