33: TJ #2

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Special Chapter Series

4:30 am
Cyrus's alarm woke him up sharply causing him to jump out of his skin. He saw Jonah sleeping but it wasn't really peacefully. He was tossing and turning and saying something over and over again but Cyrus couldn't work out what it was. He placed a small kiss on Jonah's forehead once he was lay still and got changed. He saw the window on the top floor corridor was slightly open and wanted to sneak out so he would avoid waking Charlie up. He carefully slid out of the window and found himself on a roof. It was his garage roof that he didn't realise Jonah had used to sneak in the previous day. Jonah's car was below the roof so Cyrus sat on the edge of the roof and slowly lowered himself down. He jumped off of the car landing awkwardly and walked to his own car. He tried as best as he could of making little noise as he entered the car.

Once he was in, he knew the engine would probably wake his boyfriend up so he had to think. He thought for a moment and snapped his fingers when he realised. He released the handbrake and eased the car backwards without making a noise. The street was just perfect for him to move the car with out having to use the engine. He finally switched it on when he was clear of the house and began his journey to the beach. The roads were quiet and all he had was the radio to keep him company.

He drove for about twenty minutes before arriving at the beachfront. The sun wasn't even up yet but the sky looked a little brighter. A knock was heard on the window and Cyrus looked to his left. TJ was on the other side of the glass causing Cyrus to jump a bit.

"Don't scare me like that!" He whisper shouted as he got out of the car. He noticed TJ was only wearing swim shorts and sliders exposing his toned body.

"Don't be a big baby, I'm glad you came by the way." TJ replied and smiled at Cyrus.

"Me too," Cyrus said gazing at TJ's six pack.

"I mean... I like the- the beach. Yeah." He added as he was blushing. TJ laughed and grabbed Cyrus arm before dragging him down to the sand. The waves were small and the water just looked freezing.

"You coming in?" TJ asked Cyrus as he looked to the ocean.

"I would but I didn't bring any spare clothes." Cyrus replied.

"No worry, I have a couple pairs of spare underwear, just take off everything except them." TJ suggested. Cyrus hesitated but knew that TJ probably wouldn't let him do anything else so he had no choice.

"Come on!" TJ complained. He went over to Cyrus and pulled his shirt off for him.

"Woah." Cyrus reacted.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna try anything." TJ reassured him. Something in Cyrus's head clicked at what he said then but he couldn't think what is was. Once Cyrus was just in his underwear they walked down to the edge where the water ended.

"It's freezing!" Cyrus complained.

"Oh shush, you'll warm up soon!" TJ shouted and pushed Cyrus causing him to fall into the water. It wasn't deep enough so he also hit the sand.

"Here I Come!" TJ screamed and leaped into the water causing a large splash to hit Cyrus again. He just laughed and they walked slowly through the water until they could swim. TJ smirked at Cyrus all of a sudden and picked him up bridal style.

"You ready?" TJ asked.

"What, wait.. what are you doin... NO TJ NOOOO!" Cyrus screamed as TJ threw Cyrus into the freezing water.

"HOLY CRAP THAT IS COLD!" Cyrus squealed as he surfaced again.

"You asked for it." He added and splashed water at TJ.

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