17: Amber's Rumours

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Jonah awoke to the sound of his phone. He rubbed his eyes vigorously in an attempt to remove the blurry picture he was seeing. He turned his alarm off and tossed his phone onto the floor, completely ignoring the message he had received. He then pulled the covers over himself and allowed the warmth to embrace him for a little while longer.

He eventually left his bed and took a quick shower before getting ready for school. He wore a black polo and jeans and then styled his hair a bit before going to the kitchen. His mother had made him a quick breakfast and kissed him on the forehead before leaving. Jonah sat at the island counters and finished his cereal before picking his bag up aswell as his phone and walked out the door.

He entered his car and drove from the city to the school. He parked up in the parking lot aside the front entrance and made his way slowly towards the door. He felt his phone vibrate reminding him he had a message and was just pulling it out when he noticed Cyrus and Buffy walking towards the school, deep in conversation. He looked at his phone and saw the message was from Amber. He opened it up and saw the messages Cyrus had sent her.

S: Jonah is in love with you, but that's not who I am.

C: huh?

S: I'm doing this for Jonah, I'm his wingman, so to speak.

C: that's horrible, does he know?

S: I think so. Only recently.

C: your unbelievable.

S: So, Do you love him.

C: no im straight.

S: wow, he's gonna be so upset.

C: you wouldn't dare say a word.

S: get on the wrong side of me and I might slip up.

Jonah's heart sank when he saw the messages and looked up at Cyrus with a facial expression full of hatred. Cyrus looked up and noticed Jonah but couldn't react in time before he saw Jonah storm off indoors.

Jonah was absolutely furious. How could he be tricked into thinking Cyrus liked him. He was using him for popularity and wealth.

Cyrus on the other hand was confused at what had just happened. He and Buffy had met up with Andi and they searched the school for any sign of Jonah. Cyrus checked the classrooms, Andi looked around the corridors and Buffy checked outside aswell as the football field. No sign of him anywhere. Buffy however noticed movement from the roof and she decided to go and investigate.

She found a few piles of boxes at the side of the building, already stacked up. She carefully scaled the boxes and made her way to the figure. She heard muffled crying and she went to see who it was. Sure enough, Jonah Beck was sat on the edge of the building with tears streaming down his pale face.

Buffy sat next to him and patted his back.

"What's wrong Jonah?" She asked.

"Get lost." He replied sourly.

"Don't talk to me like that, why are you upset?" She asked again and wrapped her arm around him.

"Why do you care?" He asked her.

"Because Cyrus cares. So I have to." She smiled.

"Cyrus doesn't care! He's the reason I'm in this stupid state." Jonah's face went red in anger again.

"What do you mean? What has Cyrus done?" She asked. Jonah took out his phone and showed her the messages between Amber and Cyrus. She read the messages and just smiled at Jonah.

"That was around the time he realised that he probably wasn't straight. He was always worried about the girls you were dating, even when he tried to hide the jealousy." Buffy said.

"So what, he is gay?" Jonah asked.

"Well I'd hope so with you two dating." Buffy laughed in reply.

"So why would Amber show me that then?" He was still confused.

"I don't know, has Cyrus done anything recently to upset her?" She asked.

"Now that you mention it, he did tell her to get lost yesterday at the pizza place." Jonah had a realisation.

"Sooo you two good now?" Buffy asked.

"We'll see, I'll talk to him about it later." Jonah smiled at Buffy.

"What's going on up here, already moved on from Cyrus?" Ambers voice pierced Jonah's ears and Buffy just exhaled loudly in anger.

"No actually, I just found out Cyrus isn't straight." Jonah tried to stay calm.

"Pity, is Buffy trying to make you feel better? You could do so much better with me Beck!" She laughed.

Buffy gave Jonah a look as if she was about to go crazy. Jonah nodded in reply and Amber was quickly tackled by Buffy. She pulled Ambers hair shouting swears every moment she had. Amber tried to escape Buffy's grasp but it was no use. Buffy took her hand and slapped Ambers face as hard as she could leaving a glowing red mark on her cheek.

"Ever try and break my boys up again, and I'll end you." Buffy growled at Amber. She ran away leaving the two on the roof again.

"Now that, was AWESOME!" Jonah yelled.

"Just another service I provide." Buffy smirked.

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