4: Face To Face

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Emerald eyes met chocolate eyes.

Jonah watched the students walk up the hill towards their classes. He went out the other gate so he got there early. He saw Cyrus with Megan and smiled. He remembered the time last year. With Cyrus. And with Megan.

The group of faces disappeared from the window except Jonah's. Megan looked up and saw him and then squealed.
"It's definitely him!!"
"No..it's not"
"Cyrus it could be."

Megan grabbed Cyrus's hand and interlocked their fingers.
"Here's an idea, we walk into class like this and make Jonah jealous!" She said.
"No wonder everyone calls you a slut!" Cyrus joked. She laughed at the comment because she didn't care and they went through the front door.
"We'll be watching closely too cy," Buffy said nodding with Andi.
"Here goes..." he took a deep breath as they ascended the staircase.

They opened the double doors leading to the English classrooms and started to walk through.
"Your hand's so sweaty." Megan said quietly.

They walked the corridor and needed to turn right. No one would see anyone else coming around the corner.

The moment they turned the corner, Cyrus looked up. Chocolate eyes met emerald eyes, again. Cyrus instantly looked away but so did Jonah, resulting in the two walking into each other. No words were said in the moment, only facial expressions. Megan couldn't contain her laughter resulting in a dirty look from Jonah. His face changed again when he looked at me and he quickly walked off.

"Oh my god! It's Jonah." Andi whisper shouted, making sure he was out of sight. The four walked into the classroom and took their seats. Jonah walked back in a minute later and looked straight at Cyrus expressionless. He quickly turned away again and Megan just raised her eyebrows.

Towards the end of the lesson, Cyrus just stared at Jonah trying to think. The teacher said something causing one of Jonah's friends to shout "THATS SOO GAY!" His friend next to him motioned towards Jonah and shook his head to silence the other boy. Cyrus wondered why he motioned to Jonah. Maybe he really is gay. The lesson ended and people made their way out the door. Cyrus walked out only to see Jonah leaning against the wall next to him. He looked up from his phone to see Cyrus and quickly looked down again.

"So.. is it confirmed?" Andi asked.
"No not necessarily." Cyrus replied.
"Cyrus! You should've seen his face when he saw your hands. I have never seen a look so full of jealousy, hatred and sadness." Buffy chimed in.
"That's how I look all the time, maybe Jonah was just having a day like mine!" Cyrus tried to make excuses.

"What's all the commotion up here?" Cyrus's favourite teacher asked as she stopped in front of the trio. Cyrus was very close with this teacher and he knew he could trust her with anything.
He told her the entire story about the texts, the facial expressions, the hints, everything. She took a moment to take it all in and simply said, "that is strange. I can give you two options, either you can just ignore him or if it gets too much I can speak to him about it..." She said before being cut off.
"NO! It's fine, I'll deal with it." Cyrus stuttered confidently, if that was possible. She nodded and walked off.

This is going to be a long last year.

During lunch period, Megan started telling people that Jonah might have a crush on Cyrus.
"Megan!? What are you doing? Don't tell people about it, it might not even be true." Cyrus pulled her aside.
"We've had proof!" She replied.
"No we haven't, you lot think we've had proof. But we have no solid evidence, plus he still has a girlfriend." He made a comeback.
"He's right Megan, plus if it is true, I'm sure Jonah wouldn't want people to know. Hence why he's a 'secret admirer'." Buffy said.

The trio walked down the corridor to the lunch tables and Andi spotted Jonah coming in the opposite direction. Cyrus kept close the wall but Jonah managed to make their shoulders brush together. Possibly intentionally. Possibly not.
"Woah he's making it known Cyrus." Andi said watching Jonah. He turned around shortly after causing andi to shoot her head back to avoid suspicion.

They continued to eat their lunch in peace until Marty approached. He took a seat opposite Buffy and stared at her. She swallowed a mouthful of her sandwich and glared at him. "What!?"
"Nothing, just wanted to say hi." He replied.
"Ok, bye." She said waving at him.
"Buffy don't be so horrible," Cyrus stated. Deep down, Cyrus and Andi knew that Buffy was in love with Marty months ago.
"I was wondering actually if you wanted to come over to mine, I'm having a party this weekend and I'd like you to come." He said smiling brightly at her.
"Only if Cyrus and Andi are coming too." She glared again.
"Of course, your all invited! See you later." And with that, he walked off and joined his other friends.

"Ooohhh no, no way. I am not going to a party, they always go badly." Cyrus stated loudly.
"Cyrus, you'll be fine. We'll be right there with you the whole time." Andi said.
"Fine but you guys owe me." Cyrus said.
"We could owe you, or I know a certain Jonah Beck who I'm sure you'll appreciate us getting his attention for you." Buffy smirked brightly at Cyrus's worried face.

"You know what, maybe you don't owe me." Cyrus stuttered.
"Thought so," Andi added.
"So, we shall be partying on....." Buffy checked her phone date.
"December second," Marty whispered in her ear before jogging off. She shivered at the touch.
"Calm down buff!" Andi said laughing.
"Shut. Up." She replied flustered.

The rest of the day was pretty chill and Cyrus could only think about Jonah.

Oooh big things coming your way!

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