As soon as I stepped out of the class he takes my hand and rushes me to a janitor's closet and before I even get to ask what we were doing, his lips are on mine. For a second I forget why I kept my distance and kiss him back. Enjoying the feel of his tongue and lips on mine. The times we've kissed before have been sweet and gentle. I've realized his gentle hands and sweet lips hold nothing in comparison to his frantic hands finally landing on my face and his biting kiss, nibbling on my bottom lip. While pressing me to his hard body. I feel lost, engulfed in his scent and his kiss.

Now that I don't want to hold up any boundaries, I don't push him away. Instead, I grip the hem of his shirt with both my hands, pulling him closer to me. His groan makes other parts of me wake up, causing me to bite down on his bottom lip feeling like I can't get enough, and this time it's him who pulls away.

His eyes sparkle with an unknown emotion as he smiles brightly down at me, "I've been wanting to do that since you left my house on my birthday."

I feel my face blush and I surprise myself when a chuckle escapes me, "Is this the only reason why you pulled me from class?"

He takes a step back much to my disappointment and he chuckles softly too now, "Yeah. Just getting some practice in."

I chuckle again as he takes my hand and opens the door. Walking out of the janitor's closet, the hall is empty except for Thomas who's walking by and glaring at Cam. He has a restroom pass in his hand, meaning he's walking back to his class. I feel a little uneasy knowing that Thomas could be thinking we did something more than just kissing. Cam wraps his arm around my shoulder, pressing me to his side.

"Relax. Killing two birds with one stone. Got your practice in and Thomas definitely knows to stay the fuck back." He says it low enough for only me to hear.

"He probably thinks we did more than just kissing," I mumble only half hoping he doesn't hear me.

I feel Cam tense a little next to me as we near my class, "So? Technically you're my girlfriend so it's none of his business." I only nod as we stand by class now, "See you after school, Cookie?"

I nod and he bends down to peck my lips quickly and I realized the unusual pet name he just used.


He smiles while walking backward, "You're my favorite cookie."

I feel the blush creep up my neck again so I turn around to open the door and go into the class. The teacher quickly makes eye contact with me and I look away. I can't have him figure out what has me so worked up and know that I went to go make out with my fake boyfriend instead of actually using the restroom.


Austin invited us all to his house for a game night, which my dad was only cool with knowing Penelope would be there. I wanted to roll my eyes because technically I wouldn't even be invited if Austin wasn't trying to get with Penelope.

I invited Natalie since Penelope was in her own little bubble with Austin. I wanted to bail on going but figured that wouldn't be fair to Penelope. Natalie on the other hand was stoked she was leaving her house for the night. She was definitely an extrovert and talked a lot. I actually needed to study for my Economics class tomorrow, so I won't even get to play that much.

Driving there myself, since I might bail early to keep on studying. I spot Nash outside smoking a cigarette, sitting on the porch steps while on the phone. I give him a curt nod as I get closer and he notices me.

"Hey, Liv. Your boyfriend brought you cookies." He smiles as he blows a big puff of white smoke.

There's a slippery and mushy feeling in my chest, "You gonna eat some with us or smoke your young lungs away?"

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