He must feel the awkwardness filling the car because he turns the music on and we stay quiet for the remainder of the car ride. I'm an idiot, I'm not good at coming out of my shell. I'm better at staying quiet. I should probably do that for the rest of the night.

When we get to the school and into the gym, it's already full of a bunch of other students. Cam gets a lot of attention with everyone stopping to talk to him a little and the girls tend to take a little longer as they also throw little glares at me. At one point when we were at the snack table, a girl bumped me to get closer to Cam, but he noticed and just pulled me under his arm while I stacked our plate with a bunch of snacks.

"Get hella chocolate chip cookies. They're my favorite." He points at the cookies with his chin.

I get hella cookies and place them on the plate, surprised that they don't fall over from our tower of snacks.

When we go to find a table I see Penelope waving at us to get our attention while she sits next to Austin who's nodding at something Natalie said. If I wasn't the one who helped dye her hair, I would've missed her. It's a soft lavender and under the dim lighting in here, it almost seems silver. Cam and I make our way to the table and sit around the round table.

Austin chuckles as he places his arm behind Penelope's chair, "Are you guys going to share?"

I nod, but Cam reaches for a cookie and says, "Hell no. We struggled to get these. Get your own."

Technically, I struggled. He just shielded me from mean girls.

A boy I recognize from the football team comes up to the table to ask Natalie to dance and her eyes sparkle in the dim light and nods. She's taken away while Cam and I eat half of our plate before he gets up to get us some drinks.

Penelope leans over, "We're gonna go get our own snacks."

I nod waving them off and I'm left to keep munching on these cookies. It's probably going to be the highlight of my night. 

The chair next to me scrapes and I look up to meet Thomas's brown eyes, his blonde hair perfectly styled. "Hey."

I look around to find Cam, but his back is turned to us as he's fixing us our drinks.

I meet Thomas's eyes again, "Hey."

"Don't worry he's not looking." His eyes cast down to my blue dress, "You look pretty."

"Thanks." I start to feel my hands get clammy. I don't want there to be a fight. Especially not on a night like this. I really hate conflict, my heart starts to speed up with him still sitting here.

"I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have fun tonight." He gives me a friendly smile before standing up and walking away. Maybe I read him all wrong before?  That's all he wanted to say?

I look over to Cam and see him glaring at the back of Thomas's head as he's making his way back. He sets the cup in front of me and I take it greedily, not wanting to have this conversation.

Cam takes my hand, "Dance with me, Livy."

I can totally do this better than to talk about Thomas. I take his hand as he leads me to the dance floor. My hand tingles from the feel of his bigger hand holding mine. I like holding his hand or when he holds me under his arm. 

Okay. I just like having him really close. I'm such a fangirl over him.

In the middle of the dance floor, his hands go to my hips as I place mine on his shoulders. My fingers really itch to play with his dark hair as those blue pools of his look at me.

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