Mr. Steal Your Girl

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You wake up to a loud banging on a door, you feel movement from underneath your head. You open your eyes and see Yoongi getting up and going to open the door. "Where are w-" you pause and examine the room, "Oh, right..." you groan and start to sit up but fall backward. "Right, injured....again." you groan and try to prop yourself against the backboard. Yoongi opens the door "What the hell-" Yoongi is cut off by Taehyung, "C'mon we're leaving." you notice the worry on Taehyung's face. Yoongi's face turns from a person we just woke up to someone who is about to go murder 30 people. Yoongi nods and closes the door, Yoongi picks up the bags on the floor and places them outside the door. Yoongi grabs his gun and puts it in his holster. You attempt to get up, and you made it up successfully. But you were a little wobbly and Yoongi noticed so he came and helped you walk to make sure you didn't fall. "Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?" Yoongi kept asking you as everyone was exiting the hotel. "Yes, I'm sure! I can walk just fine, I'm just a little wobbly, that's it!" you kept telling Yoongi.  Everyone made it to the car, "Now we have one last stop before we ambush Y/N's family." Jin tells everyone while pulling out of the hotel parking lot. Your head begins to feel heavy so you go to lean it on someone's shoulder, not paying attention to whose shoulder you're leaning your head-on. "Um, Y/N....." a voice whispers to you. "Hm?" you open your back and you realize your head isn't on Yoongi's shoulder. You look towards Yoongi and notice him death staring whoever your head is on. You lift up your head and see Taehyung. "Oh no....Yoongi please don't-" you wish in your head. "First you wake me up super early... THEN YOU TRY TO STEAL MY GIRL!?" Yoongi yells at Taehyung. You notice Taehyung trying to coward in his seat, "N-no, Yo-" Taehyung is interrupted by Yoongi, "OH REALLY!? THAT'S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" You sit up and look at Hoseok with a non-amused look on your face, Hoseok chuckles. Yoongi continues yelling at Taehyung not giving Taehyung a chance to say anything at all. You turn to Yoongi and put your finger on his lips to shush him. Yoongi's eyes go wide at the stare down to look at you. "Shut up, you're giving me a headache..." you say to Yoongi with no expression. You see Jimin and Hosoek turn around and look at you with wide eyes and open mouths. Taehyung looks bewildered and surprised, Jin looks like he is about to burst out laughing and Namjoon...Well, Namjoon looks like he is getting ready to stop a fight from happening.  You notice what you just did, you take your finger off Yoongi's lips. "FUCK! if I wasn't dead already, I sure am now!" you scream in your mind. Yoongi is just death staring you, like a cat getting ready to pounce. You don't know what to do so you go with the first thing that pops in your mind. You pat Yoongi's head and give him a sheepish smile. Everyone looks like they are about to burst out laughing. Yoongi's facial expression just gets angrier. You think about unbuckling and open the door and jumping out of the car. Yoongi wraps his arm around your neck and brings you closer. "Of course! He's just gonna choke me out to death, smart... I guess" you think in your mind. "What's with the attitude?" Yoongi says to you in a calm frustrated voice. "W-what attitude?" you ask. "What attitude? I mean the attitude that you just gave me...telling me to shut up, tsk!" Yoongi still has his arm wrapped around your neck. "I mean you were yelling right in my ear..." you mumble. You can feel Yoongi's arm around your neck getting tighter. "All I was doing was laying my head on Taehyung's shoulder, it was an accident anyways..." you say to Yoongi. "An accident how exactly was that an accident? You know I always sit the right of you!" Yoongi scolds you. "My head was felt heavy, I wasn't paying attention!" you yell at Yoongi immediately noticing your mistake, "I just-GOD DAMN IT Y/N! You really are trying to kill yourself!" you yell at yourself in your thoughts. "Why am I think about Y/N trying to kill her self? Is she okay?" a voice says in your head. "What the- that wasn't me thinking that..." a confused look shows up on your face. Yoongi's arm is tight around your neck, "Y-Yoongi. I. can't. breathe." you pause for breath after every word. "Why is it so hard to breathe all of a sudden? If one of them is choking Y/N, I'm going to kill them!" the voice says again. You still can't figure out what that voice is, it sounds so familiar but you can't put your finger on it. Yoongi notices how tight his arm is around your neck and immediately releases his arm from your neck, "I'm so sorry, Y/N. Are you hurt?" Yoongi's face is now full of worry. "No, I'm not hurt don't worry. But-" Yoongi cuts you off with a kiss on the forehead, "I'm sorry, I really mean it. I didn't mean to start choking you, I swear." Yoongi says to you with a gloomy look on his face. "I know you didn't mean to, but-" once again your cut off by Yoongi. "I REALLY mean it, Y/N. I promise i wi-" this time you interrupt Yoongi, "Yeah Yeah Yeah, can I finish now?" you look up at Yoongi. "O-oh! Sorry, continue..." Yoongi says with a sheepish smile. "What I was trying to say was that-" you're interrupted by Jin this time, "We're here!" "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" you scream.

Sry I haven't posted in a while, I'm currently working on another ff that you may see some time in the future. <3 Be safe out there and don't forget to stream both ONs and Black Swan!

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