Nothing Goes Its Way

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"Well, wanna sit on the roof?" Yoongi teases you. You open the window, "What are you waiting for?" you ask Yoongi,  "Seriously? I was kidding you know?" Yoongi says to you as your stepping out of the window. "I know, now come on!" you tell him as you grip on the inside of the window. Yoongi steps out the window as you start crawling up to where you laid last night. "Wait, so you're telling me Namjoon and Jin didn't see you laying down right here?" Yoongi asks you as he reaches you. "Yeah, I guess they were so focused on finding me." you laugh as you answer Yoongi's question. "Wow, they really are blind." Yoongi jokes, "I guess" you both start laughing. You and Yoongi start chatting. "Why didn't you just sit by a window? You do realize we would've found you." Yoongi asks you hoping for a response. "I don't know, I wanted to do something. I don't like waiting unless I seriously have to." You respond looking at the trees. You see Yoongi looking through his pockets. He pulls at a phone and hands it to you, "We wanted to give you something so you could stay in contact with us. You know before you scared us half to death." Yoongi says to you smirking. "We trust you enough to have this, but just so you know we will look through it every so often. You're still not exactly on the trust, trust you level yet." Yoongi says to you as you take the phone he handed you. You open the phone and look at the contacts, every one of the members is on the phone. You hug Yoongi, "Thanks! At least I know I have trust again." you chuckle as you say the last part. You receive a notification from Jin, "You look so cute together" He sends you a photo of you hugging Yoongi. You look at Yoongi, "I'll be right back..." you say as you get up. But Yoongi pulls you down, "Yoongi! Let me go kill him!" you yell at him. "No," he says to you, "I am letting you, but look where you're standing." You look, "What would've happened if I didn't grab you? You could've just died, so no. You can wait 'till we get inside, then you can kill Jin." Yoongi finishes as you sit next to him. Something stabs you on the side and you jump scaring Yoongi. You missed placed your foot and started sliding Yoongi grabs your wrist. You scream because your wrist is still hurt and the sudden hard grip sends a shocking pain through you making you jump harder and accidentally kick your ankle. Your ankle injury doesn't hurt as bad but it still sends a shot of pain up your leg. You scream again, Yoongi tries to pull you up but he is struggling to. You try to get back up and you start putting all your strength in your legs but that just hurts more. Yoongi finally pulls you up and you're wincing at the pain that keeps shooting up your leg. "Why is it every time I start feeling comfortable and safe, something bad happens!" you scream in pain. You look at your leg and notice something is attached to your leg. "Yoongi did you guys put that on me or." you pause and look up at Yoongi. He's got a worried look on your face. "We need to get Jin, and fast!" He picks you up and you get startled that he is running on the roof with you in his arms. "JIN! JIN! We have a problem! It's Y/N!" Yoongi screams as he sets you on the bed, you look at him confused, "Do not close your eyes, Y/N. Whatever that is, it's not good." He leaves the room, but you're still confused. "What the hell just happened?" you ask yourself, "Why is it every time I relax, something bad happens. Ever time!" Jin comes rushing in, his face is full of pure worry. "My God, how the hell did they get that?!" Jin says as he is looking at your leg. You look at Jin confused as he is looking at your leg. He looks up, "Do you know what this is?" Jin asks you, "No, and what is what?" you ask Jin. "It's complicated, I'll explain later but right now. We need to get that off of you immediately or we all are in danger." He says to you as Jimin hands a syringe to Jin. Yoongi comes in and sits next to you and starts talking to you. "I don't think this is the time to be talking about something so ir-"You feel a sharp pain in your leg, you try to kick but Hoseok has your legs done on the bed and Yoongi has your arm in his hand.  You look at Jin, with the look that says "I'm going to kill you"  Jin chuckles at the face you give him, but he gets serious again. He stabs you again with the syringe. You jump and you wince again, "Almost done..." Yoongi says to you. You look at Jin but Yoongi grabs your chin and he looks into your eyes. You never realized how deep his eyes were, they're so memorizing. His eyes are like a deep void of darkness, you don't notice that Jin is done until Yoongi looks away from you. "I just don't understand how they got that..." you hear Jin say. You give him a confused look and then yawn. "Heh, we'll tell you tomorrow right now, you need sleep." Namjoon says to you as everyone leaves the room. "Yoongi, you staying in here tonight?" asks Namjoon, "Yeah, I mean I'm already in bed so why not?" Yoongi replies to Namjoon. Namjoon leaves, "How do you guys act like everything's fine right after a near-death situation?" you ask Yoongi. "I don't know honestly, I guess it's just a habit we all have." Yoongi says to you as he tucks you in. "I have a question before I go to bed. How come you weren't looking at me or speaking to me when Jimin and you 'caught' me?" you ask Yoongi who has just got in bed. "...I don't know. I just felt heartbroken, I thought you betrayed our trust for you and you were just buttering us up. But when Jimin had finally let you talk, I turned and looked at your face while you were screaming at him. I saw the anger and sadness that was rushing through you, I immediately felt bad and started crying so I turned away again." Yoongi says to you as he is looking towards the ceiling. You start imagining what would've happened if you purposely ran away. 

I'm finding it harder to figure out chapter titles... if you have any ideas, can you put them in the comment plz? Don't forget to vote if you are liking this fanfic.

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