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You wake up to, not birds chirping and the sun but to a lot of yelling and screaming. You wake up and realize you're outside. You see the car is gone, "Did they leave me here?" you ask your self. Then you see Taehyung and Jungkook looking around outside holding some objects, you can't figure out what exactly they're holding. Then you see through one of the windows and see Jin and Namjoon looking through all the rooms. You wonder how they don't see you sitting on the roof.  You don't other moving though, you think there are looking for something someone lost. You see Namjoon's face and its full of anger and sadness, Jin's face looks full of anger and worry. You're concerned but still don't think much of it. Not until you hear Yoongi shout your name with anger, sadness, and worry in his voice. You can tell he is outside. You get down to the window and the window is closed and locked you go up to another window, then another. They locked all the windows thinking you were still in the house. You don't know what to do. You could jump, but you can also risk hurting yourself more. Running away is most definitely not an option since they are outside. Or you could just wait till they find you on the roof, but who knows when they will find you up here. Your only option is to jump done and hope you don't die or hurt yourself. 

You climb over to a tree and slowly start climbing down the tree. When you make it towards the bottom you go towards the front door and try to open it. What do you know? It's locked. You pick up a stick and use it as a walking stick.   You've probably been walking for 30 minutes now when you heard some voices. You made out Jimin's voice and you thought you could hear Jungkook's as well. You got up from sitting by a tree. Then realize walking to them would not be best for your ankle since its starting to hurt again for climbing down a tree and walking for about 30 minutes.  You hear Jimin's and Jungkook's voices get closer. Playing with the stick you grabbed earlier and started carving it. You got half the bark of the stick when you hear leaves crunch. You stand up and whip around expecting to see Jimin and Jungkook. But you see nothing. So you sit back down under the tree. You finished taking the bark of the walking stick. "If I ever were to live here this would be my special spot to escape to like it was back at home" you say to yourself out loud.  You close your eyes and listen to the leaves and birds. "10 minutes must have gone by, right?" you think. Your ankle is only hurting a little bit now, but you don't wanna get up. "Y/N! Y/N!" you hear someone shout. You try to say something, but your throat is sore and your words don't come out. You wonder if you should start walking. But by their voices, they seem far away. "I swear once I found her, I'm never letting her out of my sight." you hear someone say. You're debating if you should just walk back to the house. You agree to but after you rest a little bit longer. You soon later wish you started walking back to the house. Another half an hour later you feel your arms being pulled behind a tree and being tied together, you start screaming and trying to break free from the grip but their grip is too strong. When they finally have your hands tied behind the tree, you see two figures pop-out. You recognize the two figures immediately, Its Jimin and Yoongi. "Your really fucken brave aren't you?" you hear Jimin start talking, "You really thought we wouldn't find you? You also forgot to close the fucken window so that told us you ran away." Jimin scolds you. He expects to see the anger in your face but he just sees confusion.  "Oh! Stop acting so innocent! You ran in the woods trying to escape, but lost your way." Jimin says to you. "I'm not acting, i-" before you finish Jimin interrupts, "BULLSHIT! Do you think I'm going to believe that?! Ha! You thought!" Jimin yells at you. You notice Yoongi is being awfully quiet. "I would KILL you if I could, Y/N. But we were told to bring you back." Jimin says to you. "I honestly wish we killed you when we found you." Jimin finally says. Tears start to swell up in your eyes, "That's not the first time I've been told that Honestly, I wish the same for me. If I was dead none of this would've happened." you mumble. "What did you say?" yells Jimin. "It's not the first time I've been told that I wish you guys did k- no. I wish my FATHER killed me!" you choke. "And why is that?" Jimin asks, "So my family wouldn't try to kill you for killing me. I never hated you guys. You guys were so sweet to me and all I was an asshole. But even if you don't kill me or give me back to my father, things will never be the same. I'll be tied to the bed or even thrown in the..." you gulp, "white room." You start again, "I wasn't lying when I said my father is a monster, and all those things I told you guys." Yoongi wasn't even looking at you anymore. "I don't know, Y/N. I can't trust what you're saying anymore." Jimin finally says. Anger begins to rise in you, "You think i almost kill myself saving Namjoon for NOTHING?!" you scream at Jimin. "No, I-" he is interrupted by you, "You think i would tell you things for no reason! I told you all that stuff because I started TRUSTING YOU ALL! Because I thought if all you trust me, then I should trust you, right? WELL, I GUESS THAT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE! SINCE NONE OF YOU TRUST ME ANYMORE!" You hang your head tears dropping to the ground. "Well, first off even if you are telling the truth, why were you outside and why did you leave when Hoseok was sleeping?" Jimin asks you. "I opened the window to get on the roof to finally feel free, it wouldn't feel the same if I knew someone was watching me. I woke up this morning to yelling and screaming, I waited for while then I saw Jin and Namjoon and thought you guys just lost something. Then I heard my name clearly then daylight and went down back towards the window but it was locked closed. I tried every window, all locked. I couldn't do anything else so I went to one side of the house that there was a tree leaning on the roof so I climbed down from that. I went to the front door, but it was locked. So I picked up a big stick used it as a walking stick and started looking for you guys in the woods. But my ankle started hurting and I sat down.  I originally decided to wait for someone to show up but no one did. So I decided to rest a little bit more and walk back to the house. And now here we are." you say still with your head to the ground. Yoongi finally says something, "So you're saying you slept on the roof, we locked you out by accident, you got down started to look for then took a break, then we caught you?" "Bitch I just said that," you thought to yourself. "Yes," as you say that you wince because your ankle is starting to hurt again. "Ow." Jimin turns toward Yoongi and they start talking then Yoongi walks over and grabs your chin and tilts your head up to look at him. "If we untie you, you do not move until we tell you to, got it?" Yoongi tells you in an angered voice. You nod your head and Yoongi wipes a tear from your face and goes behind the tree to untie you. Jimin helps him since he's got the knife. Once your hands are free you move them towards you and rub your wrist. They're bleeding from the rope but you don't show Yoongi and Jimin. "Come on" you hear Yoongi say as he reaches for your hand. You stick out your hand and he pulls you up and bear hugs you. "You know I almost thought about killing you 5 minutes ago?" he says to you before sweeping you up wedding style.

I tried to add a little humor at the end, IDK if I worked hehe anyways I told you it was gonna be long! I hope you are liking this! Don't forget to vote, and if you want send fan drawings You can dm me on inst. or twitter (They are on the Intro/<Chap.> The Beginning) See you later SugaKookies!

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