I Wish I Were Heather - Junhao

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Based off Conan Gray's song Heather

Dear Jun,

Where do I even begin? We've been friends since we were 5 years old. I met you on a playground in front of our school and you helped me up when I fell over. When we were 15 I told you I was gay and you said that didn't make me different, it made me beautiful for being able to share that secret with you.

"Hey Hao" Jun sat next to him. Minghao was scribbling things on a page. Most likely studying for an upcoming test. "What are you doing?"
"Preparing for the science test next period"
"We have a test?"
"Just kidding" Jun laughed.

I remember when our circle of friends started discovering themselves and dating people. I looked at Wonwoo and Mingyu longing for a relationship like there's, and when they broke up, I felt like the best example of love was gone. But they did get back together which shows love has no bounds. When our group started dating people I saw your eyes linger on certain people for longer then anyone else. It hurt my heart.

"Are you cold?" They're school was at a sporting event and Minghao and Jun were sitting in the stands.
"A little"
"Here" Jun gave him his sweater.
"I don't want to ruin it. You know how clumsy I am" Minghao told him and Jun smiled.
"You won't. Besides, it looks better on you then it does me"

You gave me your sweater, it's just polyester, but it meant so much to me. Although I gave it back by the end of the day, that sweater made me feel the warmest. It almost felt like you had your arms wrapped around me, hugging me and telling me everything was going to turn out fine. It was perfect, we were perfect. Then you met Heather.

Minghao saw two people approaching him holding hands.
"Minghao, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend heather" Jun gestured to the girl next to him and she kindly waved at Minghao.
"Hello" Minghao smiled back but on the inside he was dying. "Nice to meet you" A lie.
"Me and Heather were going to grab some lunch if you wanted to come?"
"I already ate" another lie. Minghao just didn't want to be around them.
"Ok! See you next period?" Jun asked and Minghao nodded. "Bye!"

You were holding her hand, something I thought only we did since we were such close 'friends'. I was wrong. It broke my heart a million times seeing the look you gave each other. I don't blame you. She was pretty. I don't hate her, but I kind've wished at that moment, that she was dead. You always told me I looked best in your sweater, so why did you give it to her?

"I feel like we haven't hung out in a long time" Jun started.
"You've been a little busy with a Heather" Minghao replied whilst looking at his phone.
"I mean she's my girlfriend"
"You're my best friend, what am I meant to do without you?" Minghao looked up and suddenly Jun was right in front of him. He was engulfed by two muscular arms. Minghao hugged back and cried into Jun's shoulder.
"It's okay. Let it all out"

I was stupid. Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty. You gave her your sweater, it's clear you like her better. I wish I was her. Holding your hand, kissing you, making you laugh. I want to be needed by you, wanted by you. But you like her better. I wish I were heather.

Jun and Minghao were sitting on the roof of Jun's home, watching the stars like they always did when they felt like fresh air.
"Kiss me" Minghao turned his head quickly.
"W-what" Minghao asked, excitement bubbling inside of him.
"I want to know what it feels like. I might like boys" all of the excitement that was once there was now gone.
"No. You need to try it with a boy you like, I'm not you're experiment"
"What if... I do like you" Jun put his hand on Minghao's chin.
"Y-you're still with heather" Jun started to lean in and Minghao closed his eyes, trying to lean backwards to get as far away as possible. As soon as a pair of lips touched his he froze. This was jun, his lifelong dream. But he didn't want to be Jun's 'gay awakening', he wanted to be Jun's lover. So he pushed Jun away.
"I need to go" Minghao said, tears streaming out of his eyes as he ran. He didn't know where he was running to, but it sure was far.

I ruined our friendship. I should've just stayed. I wanted that for so long, I had no idea why I ran away. Everyday I wait to see you walk down the halls or enter a classroom, but you never spare me a look, and when you do, there's pity in your eyes. I'm not sure how to explain how much I love you, but I do. I want everything back. I'd take the friendship and nothing more if it meant just being in your presence. There's nothing more I want, then to be held by your sweater again, but it's just polyester.

I love you,

- Minghao.

Minghao was leaning against a tree, sitting down on the floor. He felt a shadow over him and heard footsteps approaching. When he looked up he saw a tall man, Wen Junhui. He swallowed nervously.
"I got your letter"

And here we have, an open ending

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