Her Husband Likes Men - Meanie

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Mingyu walked along the empty streets fiddling with his wedding ring. Him and his wife had just agreed to seperate for a few weeks to get their heads straight. He slipped the ring into his pocket and walked down the street looking for anywhere that was open. The only place at 1am open was 'Carat Cafe', he stared at the blue light up sign before walking in. A barista was at the counter wiping a few cups. Mingyu looked into the eyes of the boy and almost fainted. He looked around Mingyu's age and Mingyu could've sworn it was love at first sight.
"Hello" The fox eyed boy said.
"Hey" Mingyu replied. "Can I just get a black coffee?"
"At this time of night?" The boy asked and Mingyu chuckled.
"It's been a rough day" They boy nodded and started making Mingyu's drink. Mingyu couldn't help but stare at the boy. He was tall, but not as tall as mingyu. Handsome, dark hair and wore circle glasses.
"So tell me" The boy placed the cup in front of mingyu and started wiping down the tables. "Why has your day been so rough?" He asked. "I'm Wonwoo by the way"
"Cute name" Wonwoo replied and a light tint filled Mingyu's cheeks.
"I just had some problems. But you're cute so I'm fine now" Wonwoo laughed.
"I must be incredibly cute for you to not even focus on your drink" Wonwoo said and Mingyu looked down at his drink to see he had been drinking a hot chocolate this whole time.
"Wow. No wonder it was so sweet"
They began to talk for another hour before Mingyu decided to call it a day.
"Wait Wonwoo. Can I get your number?"
"Come back another time and you can have it" Wonwoo winked.
"I guess I'll see you soon then" They smiled at each other.

A week later

Mingyu went to carat cafe in the morning to see Wonwoo. He saw a boy with brown hair working behind the counter. He walked into the cafe and towards the counter.
"How can I help you today sir?" The man asked.
"Is Wonwoo here?"
"Wonwoo takes the night shift. I'm jun. I take the day shift"
"Jun... as in Wen Junhui?"
"That would be me" Jun smiled.
"You're the one who Minghao's seeing" the boy chuckled.
"Actually dating now"
"Wow really?" Jun nodded. "I'm his best friend, mingyu"
"Mingyu... oh. You're the married one! How's the wife?"
"Oh um.." Jun sensed tension.
"You don't have to talk about it. The reason you're here is for Wonwoo right? I can leave him a note saying you dropped by"
"I'll just come later tonight. What time does his shift start?"

At exactly 10pm Mingyu walked into the coffee shop, just as jun was handing his apron over to Wonwoo. Mingyu sauntered over to the counter and rested his arm on it.
"You're back"
"I am" Wonwoo smiled. "I'm here to get your number"
"Why would someone who looks like you want my number?"
"Someone who looks like me?"
"You're hot, I'm not"
"Have you not ever looked in a mirror?" Mingyu asked. "You're cute. So can I get you're number?" Wonwoo grabbed a pen and smiled as he wrote it down on a napkin. He slipped the white paper to mingyu.
"Just a heads up I can't eat seafood" Wonwoo winked at him and mingyu blushed.
"Well I look forward to not eating seafood" they both chuckled and Mingyu stayed there until 1am.
"I'm going to go now. Thanks for the coffee" Mingyu smiled at him and started to leave.
"Mingyu!" He turned around once he heard his name being called. "I like you" Mingyus cheeks flushed.
"I-I like you too" he said quickly before leaving. Wonwoo put a hand over his mouth in disbelief that he had just said that.

Hey I was wondering if Saturday is a good day to go out? This is mingyu by the way.

Sure! I'm free the whole day.

I made a reservation at a lunch place for 12pm. It's called Shining Diamond.
Address: 17 Fear Street.

I'll be there.

The date went surprisingly well and Mingyu was now driving Wonwoo back to his apartment. They pulled up in front of the apartment complex and sat in silence for a few seconds.
"I had a lot of fun today Mingyu" Wonwoo finally said.
"Me too" Mingyu smiled.
"I don't usually do this in first dates but.." he leaned in to kiss Mingyu. It was short but caused Mingyu to have goosebumps all over his body. "Drive safe!" Wonwoo said before getting out of the car. Mingyu touched his lips banging his head on the steering wheel. He was still married.

Wonwoo was working the next day with Jun. they need two baristas since Sunday was their busiest day.
"You look happy" Jun said as he watched Wonwoo smile whilst cleaning cups. Wonwoo was thinking about the kiss. "What happened?"
"Tell me! You're my best friend" Wonwoo chuckled. "Please~~~"
"Fine" he put the rag down. "I went on a date yesterday and we kissed"
"That's awesome! Who was your date?"
"Some guy named Mingyu" Juns face fell and Wonwoo noticed. "What's wrong?"
"Won... Mingyu has a wife" Wonwoo dropped the cup he was holding. Luckily it was made out of plastic so he didn't break anything.
"A-are we talking about the same Mingyu?"
"Kim Mingyu right?" Wonwoo nodded. "He's married. I know you probably didn't mean to help this man cheat on his wife but from what I've heard from Minghao.. they're separated"
"That doesn't really make a difference" Wonwoo managed to get out. "I'll work the night shift. Working helps me clear my head"
"Are you sure?" Wonwoo nodded. Jun pat his back in reassurance.
"It might've just been a misunderstanding" Jun said before getting back to work. Wonwoo continued to clean slowly, not being able to think about anything else but Mingyu.

Wonwoo saw someone come into the cafe at 1am. He sighed knowing who it was.
"Hi" Wonwoo looked down.
"Everything all right?"
"Yup" Wonwoo said and looked away.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! Now can you please stop asking me and let me do my job" He snapped.
"You kissed me. So why are you acting like this?"
"Were you going to tell me you had a wife? Or was I your side piece" Wonwoo looked up at him with sadness in his eyes.
"I can't do this with a married man. It's not right. In the end I'm going to be the one hurt"
"Listen to me please"
"I'm not a home wrecker"
"Wonwoo. I've been having a hard time with my wife lately and I realised it's not just ordinary couple fights. I was never attracted to her in the first place. I married her because she loved me and I just found her friendly. I never told her I was gay. When my father found me cuddled up with a boy on the couch when I was 16 he almost disowned me. I had to get married to a woman, but this separation I've had with her has made me realised that a break wasn't what we needed. It was forever" Wonwoo seemed flustered that mingyu had just opened up to him but kept his composure.
"Look... you're still married and I wasn't lying when I said I liked you. I'm not saying you should divorce your wife but I am telling you that I'm not going to do anything with you behind your wife's back. I know this is really stupid advice but I feel like she deserves to know, before it gets too late"

A week later

"Mingyu I told you already-"
"I told her" Wonwoo looked at him surprised.
"You told her you like men?" Mingyu nodded.
"So can I take you on a date?" Wonwoo didn't waste time and ran from around the counter to kiss mingyu. Mingyu was taken off guard but eventually put his hands on the others waist and closed his eyes. They pulled apart to breathe.
"Do you usually do that to all of your customers?" Mingyu asked and Wonwoo chuckled.
"Only special ones"

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