Ren Daiyu: "Are you in the restaurant business with your brother then?"

Lai Shi-on: "No, that's completely my brother's area. I own several gyms."

Ren Daiyu: "I didn't know that the Lai family also invested in the fitness industry."

Lai Shi-on: "They don't. My older brother did initially loan me the startup capital for my venture. It's all paid back now with interest."

Lai Yongliang looked at his brother curiously. Usually, his brother wouldn't openly talk about his businesses.

Ren Daiyu: "That's very impressive for someone so young."

Yao Changying nodded in agreement. 

Qilin looked at Lai Yongliang and then discretely indicated at Yao Changying and Ren Daiyu.

Lai Yongliang had already discerned that Lai Shi-on was trying to impress one of the women. He wasn't sure how to feel, he was happy that Lai Shi-on was finally showing interest in someone after his ordeal, on the other hand, the Lai family may not accept either of them. 

Ren Daiyu began speaking when she saw movement at the other table: "The fitness industry is ... Look he's getting up now." 


Chen Wei glanced at his watch to see how much time had passed: "Excuse me. I'll be back in a moment." He stood up and buttoned his blazer. 

Li Yu Yan smiled sweetly: "Don't be gone for too long."

Chen Wei patted her head gently. 

He briefly glanced at Li Xiuying's table before heading to the gents. He had seen Li Xiuying leave on her own and wanted to suss out her aim for being here tonight. 


Lai Shi-on: "And there he goes."

Ren Daiyu: "I don't feel comfortable with this."

Yao Changying: "Me neither but YingYing seems to know what she's doing. Let's give it 9 minutes."

Lai Yongliang: "That is a very precise time to wait. May I ask how you reached this number?"

Yao Changying: "Even if he wanted to hurt her, he couldn't hit her for fear of her screaming out and attracting attention. He hasn't taken any weapons with him so if he was trying to kill her it would most likely be through strangulation. For someone who is struggling, it would take the attacker up to 5 minutes to strangle someone into unconsciousness." 

Qilin: "Why 9 minutes then?"

Yao Changying: " Xiuying sent me a text when she was in the ladies, at her slow pace it took her 2 minutes. So 2 minutes for him to get to the facilities and wait for Li Xiuiyng to exit. Another 2 minutes for Li Xiuiyng to infuriate him with her nonchalance. Plus, he seems the type who likes the sound of his own voice. I've started the timer on my phone and text YingYing and told her to call Yu if there any problems." 

Ren Daiyu took out her phone and placed it on the table. 

Qilin, Lai Shi-on and Lai Yongliang "..."

Yao Changying: "Of course it is highly unlikely he would do anything to her in such a public location. It's always better to be prepared for the very worst-case scenario your mind can imagine."


Ladies Room

Li Xiuying turned on her recording device and put it in her bag. She then had Ren Daiyu's number up and ready to be dialed. 

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