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first chapter of night changes comes out tomorrow because louis tomlinson 💁💁💁 check it out tho

louis had never seen harry so peaceful.

he'd glance inside the room window every chance he got to make sure harry was breathing and okay. it was freezing in the icu and louis had harry's pea coat wrapped tightly around his body. harry's new gang of friends sat on the hospital chair across from louis, staring at him, and it wasn't exactly in the nicest way.

"did you push him into traffic?" asked zayn harshly.

louis gasped, "no, i'd never."

"psh," said zayn as rolled his eyes. "are you jealous because he's happy now, is that it?"

"no - will you just shut up?" louis yelled, obviously frustrated. "i love him and - and he's the one who left me. both of us were being dumb and dramatic and i get that, but i never meant for this to happen. i would never hurt him intentionally."

"well, you did hurt him, a lot," grumbled sophia.

louis buried his head in his knees and left tears fall gently, soaking his ripped jeans,

hospitals suck,

harry thought as he glanced around the over sanitised room. when harry realised no one was in the room waiting for him he felt his heart drop. his head had hurt and every time he moved his body ached but the fact that no one was there for him is what made his body hurt worse.

"mr. styles, we have a mr. tomlinson who wants to see you. we ask your permission since he's not family," said the doctor from earlier.

"h-he can come in."

"as you wish, mr. styles."

louis rushed through the door and on to harry's arms. louis was sobbing and leaving sloppy, wet kisses all over harry's face. the younger lad just sat with a smile over his face as louis spread his affection for him greatly.

"y-you are a piece of shīt, styles, i swear, and your friends are really scary, and i love you," said louis.

"i love you, too, louis. we were both acting stupid so we should just completely ignore that chapter in our life together."

"really?" louis asked, this is unbelievable.

"yeah, i guess when you get hit by a volvo, you realise that, holy shīt, i could've died and that you could've taken better care of your life and i want to take advantage of my life while it's still in my possession," said harry, "and i want to share it with you."

"i love you so much, harry."

"love you, too, lou."

louis pressed his lips gently to harry's, grasping the lads sculpted jaw and cheeks.

"the one with all the tattoos thought i pushed you in the road," said louis minutes later when he was in the chair on the side, "ridiculous. if i were to push you the road it wouldn't be in front of a volvo. volvo's suck."

harry laughed. even though his lungs burned and his rib cage ached, he laughed, because life had such and unbelievable turn and twist to it and it lead to such a sickly sweet reality and he couldn't thank the heavens enough for sparing his life; the heavens, buddha, allah; all the gods, and all that aren't because all that mattered was that he was alive. christ.

"louis?" harry said, abruptly stopping louis' rant about the uselessness of volvo's.

"hmm, love?"

"can you get my mates, please?" louis tensed, causing harry to sigh. "they won't say anything to you, i'll make sure of it."

louis nodded, and proceeded to fill harry's needs. he entered the waiting room, harry's trench coat engulfing his body greatly as he store at the crowd around him.

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