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louis couldn't breathe; air was everywhere, but he couldn't breathe.


i'm sorry i threw away your flowers and took some of my shirts with me because i know you like them. i left some sweaters with flowers on them instead. not that you need them, i'm sure niall will let you wear his sweaters. he seems like a great lad.

i was coming over to apologise but i never got around to it so here it is. sorry. you wanted a man, louis, and i couldn't give you that and when i realised you found someone else i was being a pūssy about it and i'm sorry. i just want you to be happy. i want you to get your masters and phd and your doctorate. i can't hold you back if i'm not there so i'm leaving. i'm looking at new schools and jobs in the area i plan on staying in and i am imagining how happy you are, because where you're happy, i'm happy. by the time you read this, i'll be somewhere in the states and i don't want you to worry about me. i'm twenty and i can handle myself, at least for now.

enjoy your life, lou, and be happy.

forever in your heart,
harry x

poor babies :(


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