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louis, i found this couple in the park earlier and i took a great shot from a new angle and it looks incredible. come loo - is that mint?"

harry had been rambling for a good twenty minutes and it was driving a hole in louis' head. he has big exams and a thesis to write, unlike harry who still has two more years of university. and louis knew exactly how to shut him up.

yorkshire mint tea.

"mhmm, what else would it be?" louis replied to harry's question with a sickly sweet smile and harry knew something was up because lou hated, despised, mint tea. ("it tastes like tooth paste and lost hope.")

"what's the cause?" harry asked, taking the mug. he sipped his tea, letting it warm every bone in his tall, lanky body and sighed as louis placed his hand on his chest.

"no cause. i can't just make my boyfriend some of his favourite tea?" louis started to protest, turning a slight shade of pink. just about the colour of harry's lips that louis just couldn't stop staring at.

"no," said harry.

louis leaned - pounced - foreword and pressed his lips to harry's making the younger boy jump in surprise before falling gracefully into his beau's touch.

"now, i have a paper to write, one that'll get me my master's degree. three hundred pages. and i have to present it in front of my professors. please, i beg of you, let me finish my work, then we can talk, okay?" louis said softly as he nudged his pointed nose into harry's jawline.

harry just hummed gratefully; still, frankly, in a state of bliss. he loved having louis close because the feeling of joy and glee dispersed throughout his body and louis made him feel so warm inside.

the boys had parted ways two hours later after another snapshot and a couple mugs of tea. louis went to sleep, silently wishing harry was there to cuddle him and harry went to sleep, staring at all the images of louis he'd gotten.

and he still wondered to himself, how did he end up with someone so perfect?

an; makayla don't...i can feel you judging me from 3k miles away bruh. michael said hiii (not as enthusiastic but you know)

fun fact of the day: i officially play ten instruments heck yeah.

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