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there are two types of people in the world. those who dance in the rain and those who worry about getting a cold.

louis was worried about getting a cold; thing is, he's already sick.

he was so sad, but he feels like it's not his fault that harry was upset with him. if anything, he thinks it's harry's fault. louis grew up in a house where you should never - are never wrong. so even if he wanted it to be his fault, it wouldn't be acceptable. at least, not in his world.

harry was dancing in the rain; past tense: was. now he's sat alone in his dorm room taking black and white pictures on his cannon camera because he was lonely and drunk and sad and louis wasn't there to tell harry that he did good. that nothing was his fault.

harry glanced at the old polaroid (only five film slots left) and felt tears welt in his eyes. he was such an idiot and this was all his fault. louis doesn't need him.

if anything, he needs louis; and right now he needs him more than ever.

an; ncjekskdjdjiejs i perform in front of the student body in three different ensembles today. pRAY


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