Chapter 8

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2 months later


I have been here for two months and it was the best two months of my life. I have been helping out a lot and everyone is thankful for my help. I got real closer with Clementine, I want to ask her out and her to be my girlfriend but I don't know how to tell her how I feel. I was enjoying my time today.

Louis's POV

I was with Violet, we were coming up with a plan to have Y/N and Clementine confess to each other.

Violet: Louis, you really think that is going to work?

Louis: Trust me Vi, I know what i'm doing.

Violet: Whatever.

Louis: Just meet me at Tenn's room after truth or dare.

Violet: Okay.


I was sitting in my room to my thoughts. I was thinking about Clementine. I want to be with her but I don't think she wants to. Then I hear a knock at my door.

Clementine: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Clementine: Want to come outside and play a game with us?

Y/N: What game?

Clementine: Louis wants us to play truth or dare, he wants you to play too.

Y/N: Okay, I will be right down.

Clementine: Okay.

I then hear her leave.

Y/N's thoughts: Truth of dare? Something tells me something will go wrong.

I then walk down to see everyone sitting down, I join them.

Louis: Okay! Let's play!

We played for a while until the last one. Louis won and I lost.

Y/N: Truth.

Louis: During your two months here, is there anyone you like here?

Y/N's thoughts: FUCK!

Y/N: Ummmm, Yeah. I like someone here.

Louis: Who?

Y/N: Not telling.

I then look at Clementine to see her looking down, her face was red, and she looked nervous.

Y/N's thoughts: She probably thinks I like her and hopes I don't.

The game was over and I went back to my room.

Louis's POV

The game was over and I went to Violet.

Louis: Come on, follow me.

Violet: Okay.

We were in Tenn's room.

Louis: Are you done?

Violet: Yeah.

We went out of his room before Tenn got back, we saw him and he went in his room to see his mattress destroyed.

Tenn: NOOOO!

We walk in.

Louis: Oh, I'm sorry about the mattress.

Violet: Maybe we can fix it.

Tenn: It's fine. I can ask AJ if I can sleep in his room.

He then leaves. I look at Violet.

Louis: It's working so far.

Clementine's POV

I was in my room sitting on my bed while thinking.

Clementine's thoughts: Y/N said he likes someone here! I hope it's me! I hope he doesn't feel that way with anyone else!

Then AJ and Tenn enters the room.

Clementine: Hi there you two.

AJ: Clem, I hate to ask this but do you mind if Tenn stays here until his mattress gets fixed.

Clementine: Sure.

AJ: Really? Where will you sleep?

My face then gets red.

Clementine: I think I have a idea.


I was about to get ready for bed until I heard a knock. I walk to my door and open it to see Clem. Her face was still red.

Y/N: Hi Clem. You okay?

Clementine: Tenn's mattress broke so he is taking my spot in my room. Ummm, D-Do y-you mind If I-I stay in here with y-you.

Y/N: Ummm yeah sure.

I then let her in. I lay on the floor.

Clementine: What are you doing?

Y/N: You can take the bed.

Clementine: What?! No this is your room.

Y/N: You are my guest, you should have it.

Clementine: Maybe we could sleep ummm t-together.

Y/N: What?!

Clementine: If you want to.

Y/N: I'm fine with that.

I then take my shirt off. Clementine's face became redder as she was looking at my muscular body.

Y/N: I hope you don't mind me sleeping without a shirt. I don't want to make you uncomfortable.

Clementine: N-No its fine.

We both get in the bed, we keep our distance.

Y/N: Good night Clem.

Clementine: Good night Y/N.

We then both start to sleep.

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