Chapter 7

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I woke up from another nightmare, It actually wasn't as bad as the last nightmares I had. I'm no longer shaking and sweating when I wake up, I think it's because it's all starting to go away, having a home helps. The Fallen Star Order probably gave up trying to find me. I get up and put on my clothes. I walk outside the dorms, everyone was looking at the gates.

Y/N: What's going on?

Clementine: Good thing your awake. There are lots of walkers coming this way.

Louis: But you and your fighting skills might help.

Violet: Me, you, Clem, and Louis will come out and fight them.

Y/N: Nice.

We got went and got our weapons, I got my machete, Clem got her knife, Violet got her cleaver, and Louis got ummm, a chair leg?

Y/N: Umm Louis, Are you using a chair leg?

Louis: Yes sir. I call him, "Chairles".

I raise my eyebrow in confusion. Clem noticed.

Clementine: Yeah Louis can be weird sometimes.

Y/N: Okay, lets kill some walkers.

Me, Clem, Louis, and Violet all went out the gates and went to kill walkers, the three were killing and using traps. Clem then looked at me.

Clementine: Let's see those skills in action, I never saw them in person.

Y/N: Watch and learn.

I then jump on a side of a tree and hit an inside kick, knocking down the walker, then I stabbed it in the head. I low sweep kick the next walker then did a jumping double stomp on its face, crushing the brain.

Clementine: Whoa! Nice moves!

We continued fighting. There were more walkers surrounding Clementine, she was in trouble.

Clementine: AHHH!


I then run up to the walkers and stabbed the ones surrounding her. One of them were on top of Clem, I grabbed the walker, sliced his head off, spin kicked its head to a tree, threw my machete at it, sticking the head on the tree. Clem, Louis, and Violet all stared at me in shock.

Louis: Remind me to never piss you off.

Violet: Wow, even Mitch couldn't fight like that.

Clem just stayed silent, she was in disbelief. She then spoke up.

Clementine: Thanks for the save. That was the most impressive thing I ever seen! Louis and Violet weren't kidding about you fighting!

Y/N: No problem, I couldn't let you get bit.

I say with a smile.

Clementine: Come on, lets get back.

We went back in the gates, everyone was talking about my fighting.

Louis: Violet, that was a B-.

Violet: Fuck off.

Louis: Clem, that was a A-. You lacked a little.

Clementine: Hmm.

Louis: Y/N. that was a A+ I never seen anyone fight like that.

Y/N: Clem, Violet, You guys get A+. You two were gold.

Clementine: Thanks Y/N.

Violet smiled at me in response

Y/N: Louis, you get a C

Clementine and Violet laughed.

Louis: What?!

Y/N: Yep.

Louis: What-eves. By the way Y/N, I want to talk to you alone.

Y/N: Okay.

We then walk away from the others.

Y/N: What's up Louis?

Louis: It's about Clem.

Y/N: What about her?

Louis: I think you like her.

I was stopped in my tracks.

Y/N: I ummm, don't know what you mean.

Louis: I seen the way you look at her dude.

Y/N: Fine, I like her a little, so what? Why are we talking about this?

Louis: I think she likes you too.

Y/N: No.

Louis: Have you HEARD the way she talks about you, have you SEEN the way she looks at you? She kept on asking if you would stay, I even heard she hugged you after you saying yes.

Y/N: I think she was being friendly. She was showing that she cares. So I could stay.

Louis: You should ask her.

Y/N: I only knew you people for two days.

Louis: Not now, soon. Talk to her more and get closer with her.

Y/N: I guess.

Louis: That's the spirit.

Clementine's POV

I was talking with Violet while Y/N was talking to Louis.

Violet: Clem, what do you think about Y/N?

Clementine: I think he is cool.

Violet: That's not all.

Clementine: What?

Violet: You like him.

Clementine's thoughts: Oh no.

Clementine: What?! N-No no I don't!

Violet: It is OBVIOUS you like him.

Clementine: Okay fine, I don't think he feels the same though.

Violet: Nonsense. Louis told me about how Y/N looks at you.

Clementine: So?

Violet: I think he likes you back, talk to him more, and then when you are ready, talk to him.

Clementine: Okay, I guess your right.

I then went in the dorms, went in my room, then went to sleep.

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