Chapter 5

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I put my bag down in my room, and then sit down on my bed. I love how comfortable the bed is. I never had a real home since way before this whole shit started. I know I lived with Fallen Star Order, but I was not happy there. It did have good food and good beds, but I had to take down communities and good people. I always had nightmares about those times, I would hear the screams of everyone I killed. I then fall asleep on my bed.


I was in a random community killing all the guards, I was only in here for five seconds and I was already causing chaos, everything was on fire and people were dying. I killed all the guards, and it was only the leader left. It was a woman. She was crying and was defenseless. I felt bad but Danny and the other members of Fallen Star Order showed up.

Danny: Do it.

I look at him.

Danny: Kill her.

I was hesitant.

Danny: If you don't do it, I will make sure she suffers for the rest of her life. You can give her a peaceful and painless death.

I then raise my machete, about to kill her.

Leader: Ple--Please

Y/N: I'm sorry.

I then bring my machete down, killing her.


I wake up sweating and struggling for breath. I then hear a knock on the door.

Y/N: Come in!

The door opens. It was Clementine.

Clementine: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hi Clem.

Clementine then noticed me sweating.

Clementine: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah. Yeah I'm fine.

Clementine then gives me a weird look.

Clementine: Ooooooook.

She was not buying it. She knew I was lying. I know she is gonna try to find out what's wrong.

Clementine: Dinner is ready, I wanted to come get you.

Y/N: Okay. Thanks Clem.

She then smiles at me in response.

I then follow her outside the dorms and sit next to her as we ate. I took one bite of my stew and it was AMAZING.

Y/N: Whoa! This is awesome stew! I never had anything THIS good!

Louis: Yep. Omar here is a awesome chef.

Clementine: So NOW do you think you want to stay?

Y/N: Maybe, I still don't know yet.

Clementine: We will be lucky to have you.

I gave her a smile in response. She smiled back. After we were done eating, everyone left except for Clem, Louis, and Violet.

Louis: You know what time it's for?

Violet: Oh lord.

Louis then got cards out.

Louis: WAR.

Clementine: Louis, don't do what you did last time.

Louis: Okay.

Y/N: What is this game?

Violet: It's simple. Flip a card, highest wins.

Louis: Winner gets to ask Y/N here a question.

Y/N: What if I win?

Clementine: You ask us one.

We flipped and I won.

Y/N: Nice. Ummmm. Clem, what is the story with you and AJ?

Clementine: I met his parents when the mother was pregnant. The father died before he was born. The mother died after he was born. I been taking care of him since.

We flipped. Violet won.

Violet: I always ask this to new people. Which of the four of us do you think will die first?

Y/N: Louis.

Clementine: Agreed.

Violet: Agreed.

Louis: Agreed.

I look at him confused.

Louis: What?

We all flipped. Louis won.

Louis: Sooooo Y/N? Have you ever had a girlfriend?

Clementine: Louis!

Violet: Oh my God.

Y/N: No. There were girls who liked me, but we had no home, there was no time for romance and I was too busy trying to survive.

Clementine: I don't blame those girls.

I heard Clem whisper that. She was looking down. I stayed quiet because I did not want to embarrass her. We flipped one more time and Clem won.

Clementine: Last question. There was no way you were out there all alone this whole time. Who took care of you?

I was shocked when she asked that.

Y/N: You guys will change your mind about me if I told you.

Clementine: Why?

Well, here we go.

Y/N: I was a member of the Fallen Star Order.

Everyone at the table was looking at me in shock.

Louis: What?!

Clementine: You're one of them?!

Y/N: I'm not proud of it, they forced me to kill. It's why I am good at defending myself. These people can take down an entire community with one person in it in a day, you would never see them coming.

Violet: Can we still trust you?

Y/N: To be honest I don't know. You can trust me as a person, but they are hunting for me because I left them. They could find me here and put you guys in danger. I always have nightmares about my past.

I then turn to Clementine.

Y/N: That is why I was sweating when you came in my room.

Clementine: I'm so sorry Y/N. I didn't know.

Y/N: It's fine.

Louis: You are still welcome here. I know you are a great guy.

Clementine: You have a good heart. I know a nice man when I see one.

Violet: I guess you are cool. We could have you as our fighter, we used to have someone named Mitch who could fight. Not like you though.

Y/N: Thanks guys.

We put our food away and I headed back to the dorms, but someone was following me, it was Clementine.

Clementine: I meant what I said during dinner. I want you to stay here. I want you to feel safe. Will you stay?

I have made my decision.

Y/N: You know what, I think I will.

Then the next thing that happened was unexpected. Clementine was hugging me. I felt my checks getting red. I hugged her back. Then Clementine pulled back quickly after realizing what she was doing.

Clementine: Oh! I'm sorry!

Y/N: No. It's fine.

Clementine: Thank you.

She then walks away and into her room, I walk into mine. I now finally have a nice home to live in.

Y/N's thoughts: This is crazy Clem. But I think I'm falling for you.

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