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(Reader's POV)

The car ride home was long. When Marina met her family again she cried once more. Understandable. Marina's dad looked a bit like her. He seemed like an okay guy. I felt so bad. I knew we would get caught, it was only a matter of when. They had informed my parents that I was safe and that we were going home now. I got a chance to speak to them. At first both of them seemed angry, but then I explained that it could've been worse, and they started to understand.

Before we started back home, the family and I went shopping for essentials: Water and deodorant for us both. Marina had the idea to buy some froot to get vitamins in our systems again. We really did look homeless.

There was no hiding Marina's neck, which was absolutely covered in love bites. Neither her parents nor Lafina commented on it. It was obvious we were a couple. And I'll admit it was a bit awkward sitting in the back of the car with Lafina and Marina on my left and right sides with both parents in the front and everyone knowing that it was me, who made the marks.

Marina and I barely spoke as we rode along the M4 motorway. I carefully watched the fields pass by. I remembered how long the journey took with the wagon and how bumpy it was at times. The wagon was in the boot of the car and Marina's bicycle was attached to the roof.

It felt defeating to have spent such a long time coming all this way, only to be driven back less than 24 hours after arriving in London. I wouldn't ever forget this past week. I'm sure everyone in the car wouldn't forget it either.

Marina and I held hands almost the entire way back home. She fell asleep on my shoulder. I would've kissed her had nobody else been in the car with us. So instead, I opted for stroking her head, parting the hair from her face. Occasionally she'd have a strand in her mouth that I would take out so she wouldn't choke on it. Marina looked so unbelievably cute when she slept.

The car ride was mostly silent. Lafina read a book and the parents occasionally spoke. To my surprise, they weren't on bad terms for two divorced people. I guess not every divorce ends on a bad note. The radio in the background made the ride less awkward and silent. I almost drifted off to sleep as well.

A little over three hours later, with only one rest stop behind us, we arrived at my house. Marina woke up just as we pulled in the drive. My parents weren't home of course, they were always working.

It was already dark outside. You could still see the last few rays of sun making their way through the atmosphere.

Marina got up to let me get my things from the wagon at the boot. It was time to say goodbye. I shook both parents' hands and thanked them for the ride. Marina brought me to the door and apologised for having me put up with her.

"I'd do it all again. It was fun. I took your virginity."

I laughed, and watched Marina turn a dark shade of red.

"Pshshhuuut uuup!"

She mumbled, and playfully punched me before pecking me multiple times in plain view of her family, who were watching us from the car.

"Not in front of them..PLEASE."

I whispered, lightly pushing her waist away from mine. I knew she liked embarrassing me with how affectionate she was.

"I love you."

Marina cooed, as she stepped back, winked and blew me a kiss whilst heading for the car.

"I love you too."

I mumbled under my breath, quickly waving before going inside and shutting the door.

"My perfect angel of a diamond."

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