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(Marina's POV)

"Two strawberry scoops in a cone please."

I said, getting 5 pounds out of my pocket and watching the ice cream lady scoop my cone. I reached for the cone and gave her 3.00£. Now it was [your name's] turn.

"What are you getting?"

I asked, eyeing him/her/them while starting to lick my ice cream. He/she/they hesitated for a moment.

"Mango and Lemon please."

Soon enough, we were on our way and sat somewhere else, under a tree. As afternoon turned to evening we continued to talk and goof off. I even took a bit of my strawberry flavour and dotted his/her/their nose with it. It was so cute. I kept getting lost in his/her/their eyes every time he/she/they spoke.

I inched closer and closer to him/her/them, trying to not make it obvious that I wanted to hold his/her/their hand again. Suddenly, I zoned out and gazed at his/her/their lips. They were so perfectly shaped. So kissable and soft. I was getting wet again.

"Marina? Hellooo? Marnie?"

My soul came back to reality.


I felt my face go all hot and nervously giggled trying to get myself together. What a wonderful human, but Marnie though? Goodness...

I wondered if he/she/they thought the same of me as I thought of him/her/them. But no. It was just me, I was sure of it. I just really liked him/her/them a lot.

I felt my stomach flip as he/she/they grabbed my hand and placed it on his/her/their knee. I loved him/her/them. Not romantically, though.

At least I think I did.

(Reader's POV)

"So what kind of music do you do?"

I asked, enjoying the fact that her hand was on mine. I caught her glancing at my lips again. I decided to say something about it.

"It's like you want to kiss me, with all the glancing hmm?"

Marina froze. I could see the panic in her eyes. She was so adorable when she was all red-faced.

"Oh nooo!"

She laughed, blushed furiously, and squeezed my hand ever so slightly tighter as if to say she didn't mean what she said. Her eyes darted every which way, looking everywhere else but my face.


I asked, leaning in closer for a moment. I felt her breath on my neck as her eyes focused on me and I lost myself for a split second. Goosebumps went down my arms and legs. I could smell her sweet perfume even more now.


She chuckled nervously. I repeated the question.

"What kind of music do you do?"

"Oh, I mainly teach myself keyboard. I like to sing as well. But if you meant to ask the genre, I have no idea!"

She licked her lips and pondered for a moment. She smiled and locked eyes with me.

"I think Indie."

I nodded my head in agreement.

(Marina's POV)

"I should go home."

I said, sighing. I didn't want to, but I had to. Mother wouldn't be happy.

"My mother's very overprotective."

I winced, not wanting to leave my new crush behind.


He/she/they stood up.

"I'll take you home. I'll carry you to the bus stop."

I couldn't help but crack a smile as he/she/they brushed himself/herself/themself off and motioned for me to get on his/her/their back. I happily jumped on and wrapped my arms around his/her/their neck.


I whispered. We laughed all the way to the bus stop which was only a few hundred metres away. I loved the feeling of being so close to him/her/them. It felt right. I loved the wind in my hair as we started running. I held him/her/them tighter. I loved feeling his/her/their pulse as my fingers gently wrapped around his/her/their neck. I loved the stares of the townsfolk as they just saw two teenagers having fun, gleefully cackling endlessly.

As we approached the bus stop, we were the only one's there. We sat in silence catching our breath, holding hands now. A few minutes had passed.

"Can I get your number?"

I didn't really know how to react. I froze. Of course I couldn't help but blush to add to the redness of my flustered cheeks from laughing uncontrollably.

"Of course."

I grinned, instantly remembering our house phone number. We exchanged them and I felt this instant wave of calmness. I wasn't going to lose this perfect stranger now, I could contact him/her/them for God's sake!

"I'll call you tonight, at 8 okay?."

He/she/they said grinning as the bus pulled up. It read familiarly: X3 - Hereford - Abergavenny - Cardiff. It was such an amazing day.

Before [your name] got off first, he/she/they suddenly grabbed my chin and kissed me on the cheek just like I had earlier in the day.

It felt so nice. We hugged just as he/she/they was/were about to get off the bus. We hugged.

"Remember, keep your Internet free at 7. Don't forget!"

"Will do!"

I chirped, how could I forget? I was alone on this bus now. The bus started to move as I slumped down in my seat, not sure what my feelings even were.

Did I even want to start a relationship? After what happened ten years ago?

I remembered the day.

February 3rd.

I started to get PTSD flashbacks. Tears welled up in my eyes. I slyly wiped them from my cheeks as the bus continued to move. It had started to rain. I sympathised with the clouds. My stomach churned as I thought of that fateful day.

I started to dissociate yet again. I didn't want [your name] to be a trigger.

No no no this couldn't happen! I loved [your name] so much. If I ever wanted a relationship with [your name] I absolutely had to tell him/her/them. It would only be fair.

What if he/she/they thinks I'm disgusting?

What if he/she/they don't want to hear it?

I got off at my stop, biting my lip I forced myself to stop crying. Mother couldn't see me like this. I told her I was over it. I told her that it didn't bother me anymore and that therapy had helped a lot. Well it didn't. I hadn't told anyone but Lafina, my older sister, that I wasn't over the trauma at all. I've learned that it stays with you for a lifetime.

It's always there, in the back of your mind. I had to appear happy when I got home. I just wanted to make mum happy after all that we've been through.

I felt like a burden if I acted upset towards her. I felt like I should appear strong for her, for Lafina and now, for [your name].

Seventeen (Marina Diamandis X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now