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(Marina's POV)

Last week I had invited [your name] to come over for the first time. I finished cleaning my room before [your name] was supposed to arrive. Mum and Lafina had come back home last week but were shopping for my birthday gifts. I was humble of course and didn't want much.

All I want for my birthday is for him/her/them to love me...

I couldn't stop thinking about him/her/them. I glanced at the clock.

Ten minutes until I'd hear a knock on my door. I was nervous. But why? It's not like we've never met before. I guess I was nervous because of what Lafina and Mum would think of him/her/them. He/she/they was/were perfect, not to forget attractive and kind and-

There was a knock on the door. I panicked. Ten minutes early? Okay why not?

I took a deep breath before opening the door. There he/she/they was/were, standing there with a black hoodie which wasn't zipped up revealing a dark blue T-shirt and light grey trousers with holes in them. I also noticed a light blue handkerchief or headband thingy with sunflowers on around his/her/their neck.

We smiled at each other.

"Come in, would you like a drink?"

"Yeah thanks."

We went into the kitchen and poured ourselves soem juice and shortly afterwards headed towards my room.

(Reader's POV)

As we stepped into Marina's room the first thing I noticed was her familiar sweet perfume scent that filled the air. I couldn't help but look around. She had a fluffy dark green carpet in front of her bed which had adorable piano designs on the pillows and bedsheets. Her walls were covered in posters of Britney Spears and Madonna. A baby pink ukulele was resting on her desk in the corner of her room which was facing a window overlooking a small well kept garden.

"Wow I love the posters!"

I said, carefully observing them all. Marina chuckled.

"Hah, thanks I collect them."

I sat on her bed and watched her nose crinkle as she smiled and explained her love for music. It made me so happy thinking that she was so passionate about something.

"One day, one day you'll be big."

I stuttered, smiling sincerely.

"You'll change people's lives for the better and make them want to keep living."

Marina smiled back. She sat next to me on her bed and proceeded to lift a blanket up over our heads. The last thing I saw before it went dark was her grinning smile.

"I hope so!"

She whispered, and fell into my arms. My heart started racing, thinking a million things. It was dark, we were under her covers and cuddling.

Oh lord, this is so skgkfsks cute what even?!

What if we kiss right now?!

Wait, this must look so wrong from the outside!!!

What if her family comes home and sees us and thinks we're making out?!

I panicked, not knowing what to do, so I just held her back, until we both found it hard to breathe. That's when we both came up for air, both histerically laughing that we ran out of air so fast.

Just then, we heard the front door open. Marina jumped out from under the covers and caressed her hand along my arm before stopping at my wrist, taking it with her to meet her family.

"They're home!"

She raised her eyebrows and smiled, letting out a little laugh in the process. We turned the corner to see Marina's mum and sister, both smiling politely at me.

"It's so nice to finally meet you!"

Lafina said, reacting out to shake my hand, then hugging me. She looked a lot like Marina and her mum. She had a small cardboard box in her hand which was most likely Marina's gift.

"Marina talks about you nonstop! It's like she's obsessed with you."

The mother chimed in, also greeting me. Marina turned a deep red colour and looked to the floor, half smiling.

"Does she?"

I smirked watching Marina act all embarrassed. It was so cute.

"Most certainly."

I gasped.


I said over-dramatically. I winked at her so she knew it was a joke.


I whispered to her surprise.

We both burst out laughing. I couldn't shut up about her either. My family knew about her as well. They think she's such a good influence on my life. I was just as guilty as she was, talking about me.

Marina's mum invited me to stay for dinner. We all helped prepare dinner. It was amazing. I got to really know Lafina too. She was only a few years older than Marina but she was still very open and interested in talking to me. Her family were so nice to me.

While we were eating the welsh meal we'd prepared, we started talking about Marina's birthday and what she wanted to do for that. She thought long and hard about how she wanted to celebrate.

"Why don't I just spend it with [your name]? He/she/they could sleep over and we could just have a real fun evening here, maybe go for a walk, nothing special."

Excuse me? She wants to spend her seventeenth birthday with only me?

"Nobody else would come?"

Her mother questioned.

"No, it isn't some momentous occasion, mum."

Marina smiled at me, chewing the last bit of her food. She reached for my hand under the table, squeezing it tightly but still being gentle. We held hands for the rest of the meal.

"Well then if that's how you want to celebrate, that's fine by me. Alcohol is allowed, since you're both responsible teenagers, just don't get blackout drunk, please."

The mother glanced at Lafina who broke out into a laughing fit. She proceeded to tell about a party which she had hosted a few years back where all her friends were drunk and doing teenage things when one of the boys had climbed a ladder onto their roof and fell off into the rose bush in their garden.

We all chuckled at the image of someone falling off a roof into a thorny bush.

Soon it was time for me to go and Marina walked me home again. It was already dark, you could hear the crickets and night time creatures making their sounds. The moonlight faded between the clouds. It was a cold night. I felt like confessing my love to her right then and there, but it would've been stupid, right? I still didn't want to hurt her and be a reminder that traumatic things happened.

We held hands again as we talked about the day and about the future, seen as she would be turning seventeen and it would be her last year of youth. She mentioned that her youth seemed like a ripoff. She wished she didn't care as much as she did and now she felt like her youth was wasted. All I could do was agree with her. She mentioned her love of philosophy a while back and it really showed that she cared a lot about what and how and why humans do what they do. Soon enough we were already back home.

Before I went inside, she kissed my cheek whilst standing with me on my doorstep. It seemed like she wanted more because she was really holding my body close, holding my chin firmly. I pecked her back, hugged her tightly and thanked her for the wonderful time. I went inside, looking forward to the next time I'd see her.

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