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(Lafina's POV)

"Mum, dad, please calm down."

I winced, as father ripped up both letters that Marina had placed in our rooms. It had been exactly one and a half hours since we first noticed Marina and [your name] had run away. They weren't at [your name]'s house though and Father had already checked the riverbank twice. [your name]'s parents were equally as worried. The police had already come to each of our houses to report them missing. They would now be in Abergavenny looking down every street in the middle of the night.

"I can't calm down! She could be in danger for all we know!"

He exclaimed, taking a seat on the sofa, letting his face fall into his hands. The last time he was in Wales, Marina was six. Everything was still alright back then.

I took mum in my arms as she let out a few sobs. I felt like I was supposed to be the strong one here. I trusted Marina that she was safe. She couldn't have gone far. My gut was telling me everything was okay.

"Who does she think she is, running away with her best friend? [your name] is such a bad influence on her!"

Father made a fist and stepped out of the house to get some air. He was angry because he knew this would eventually happen.

"You don't even know [your name], father you haven't even met him/her/them yet."

I tried to reason with him but as always it was no use. He lit a cigarette and made his way down to the river to check once more.

I knew she was madly in love with [your name]. I knew that father wouldn't approve of [your name] if Marina started dating him/her/them. That was most likely the reason they both ran away. Now that I look back on it, I knew something would happen tonight. Marina will get her way even if it means running away from home to escape her dad.

Father came back, smelling heavily like smoke. His shoes were muddy, he had been at the riverbank in search of her again. I don't know why he thought she'd just magically show up again in front of his face.

Mother sat quietly on the couch, all concentrated, pondering her thoughts away. I couldn't even imagine what it must feel like for your own child to go missing.

"I think I know where she is."

Mother blurted out suddenly. Father and I exchanged glances in anticipation.

"She's going to London."

The room fell silent.

"Why in God's name would she be there?"

Father said, breaking the silence. It all made sense now. She was definitely on her way to London. I felt my heart start beating faster. If she really was on her way, she'd be sleeping in the tent, right?

"Follow me!"

I screamed, running down to the basement, only to find what I had been dreading was true. We all hurried into the basement.

"The tent, dad, the tent is gone, they have it! Mum's right. I'm certain they're on their way to London."

I noticed that Marina had also taken the torch and other essential tools to survive.

Father's face went white.

"Why London?"

"She's obsessed with London, dad she's always wanted to become a singer and this is just an excuse to get out of Wales and start her career."

"A singer? She'll never make it in the industry. What a waste of time!"

Father was even more cross now. He had high expectations for Marina because I was aspiring to become a doctor. In his eyes, Marina should follow in my footsteps, but of course she wouldn't do that.

"I don't care if she makes it or not, I'm just worried sick about her. A seventeen year old girl and her best friend, alone on the streets of London! We have to find them before something awful happens."

Mother said, with tears in her eyes.

Both mum and dad were going to sleep now. Mum and I went to our respective rooms as dad slept on the couch.


(Lafina's POV)


I shouted, stumbling out of my room in a shaking wreck. I had been almost a week since they had gone missing and I had a pretty good idea where they were. Father was supposed to take his plane back on the 19th. It was currently 11:30pm.

They both rushed towards my room, meeting me half asleep in the corridor.

"They're at The Regent's Park! Mum, please, we have it go get them."

Father, despite have being startled awake, had an anxious expression. He didn't want to believe it, I could see it in his eyes.

"Why on Earth?"

"She hasn't shut up about the place since she got the idea to film her first music video near there. 100% she's there."

We all exchanged worried glances.

"We have to leave now."

Mum said, fetching the car keys. Father understood the importance of finding her before it was too late.

"If we hurry, we'll get there at sunrise."

We all got dressed, ready to head to London from our tiny village in Wales. I just hoped she was safe out there. I wave of panic set in as I came to realise what was actually happening.

As mum started the car, I sat in front, father behind me. Nobody said much. Not even the radio.

The drive was long. Mum almost fell asleep whilst driving a few times. Dad offered to take over, but she refused.

I couldn't help but wonder what if she wasn't in London? What if she had stayed somewhere in Wales? Maybe she crossed the border only a few miles in? I really did fear the worst.

It took as all night long to get there. We arrived in London just before sunrise. Everyone bought something to eat before falling asleep in the car for a few hours. We hadn't slept very good in a while. As soon as we woke up, we headed towards The Regent's Park.

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