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(Reader's POV)

I couldn't believe we were actually doing this. First stop, Hereford, which was a good two hours away at least with the damned mode of transport we were taking. We'd sleep in a field somewhere outside the city and the next day we'd continue on to Worcester, which would take around four hours or so, we had a strict plan to get up early and spend most of the day going there. The next day after that, we'd planned to continue our journey to Birmingham, where we'd buy ourselves a train ticket to London.

It would be exhausting, and I kept going through the route in my head and smiling at how ridiculous it was.

Often times it would rain, so we'd stop and attach the tarp to the wagon, to let one of us stay dry with our belongings while the other would wear a raincoat and keep pedaling. When it stopped raining, we'd use the tarp as a sail when we had tailwind. Thank God for tailwind.

It was hard work, and by the time we arrived in Hereford, we were so exhausted. It was already almost midnight. Marina thanked the sky that it had stopped raining, which made me chuckle.

We set up the tent and made a fire in a nearby field and each got into our sleeping bags. I was cleaning up the ramen we had made ourselves when all of a sudden I hear Marina crying.

"I don't know if we did the right choice, [your name]."

Marina and I crawled into the tent as I put the fire out.

"What do you mean? Do you want to go back?"

I asked, full of concern. Marina's mum would've already called the police by now. My parents wouldn't be very happy either.

"Well, no but I do miss home... I know there's a good chance that Father is very angry right now, probably looking for me with Lafina in the fields or by the river, while mum is at your house, trying to find out where I am. Hopefully they read the letters."

She hugged me, grazing her lips along my neck. I felt my cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"They very well could be angry, and concerned, but we're doing this now, we can't just go back."

I hugged her back and kissed her cheek.

To my surprise, Marina firmly placed one hand on my wrist. We gazed into each other's eyes.

"Actually, do that again."

She said, grinning like an idiot. Here we were, in the middle of a field, in a tent, away from home, with only each other to look out for. What was our life even right now?

She cheekily pointed to her face, tilting it to the side. I blushed, and leaned in to kiss her again. To my surprise I felt her soft lips on mine as she tilted her head back towards me at the last second. It was only a peck, but it shocked me so much that I pulled away in a flustered mess.

We did not just kiss?!


"What was that for?"

I grinned, knowing exactly where this was leading.

"Oh, I dunno!"

She giggled, twirled her hair and smiled.

I leaned my body on hers, cupped her chin and snogged her again. I could feel her smile break our kiss as I wouldn't stop until we both ran out of breath.

This felt so good, so perfect.

"I've wanted to do this for the longest time."

She said, and caught her breath before I tasted her sweet lips yet another time.

"You won't believe me, but honestly same."

I said between kisses, listening to the light wind blow up against the tent. We suddenly stopped.

"I know." She said rather sassily, continuing exactly where we left off. I couldn't believe what was happening.

(Marina's POV)

We were finally kissing. I loved him/her/them, I truly did. I felt his/her/their hands slip underneath my shirt as I carefully undid my own trousers.

Was this really happening?

After being raped at a young age, I could still feel love for someone. I thought I'd never be able to, but here I was, losing my virginity on my seventeenth birthday, the correct way this time.

I felt his/her/their lips on my neck which were leaving love bites I was sure. I smiled as we kissed some more before I let myself open up a bit and bravely allowed him/her/them to touch me in that area. He/her/they was very upfront and asked if I was sure I wanted to. I was sure.

"If I hurt you, please tell me, okay?"

He/she/they wrapped his/her/their arms around my hourglass figure, exploring every curve with the slightest touch.

Suddenly I felt a finger gently feel it's way inside me. I yelped and was suddenly taken back to that horrific moment of my life, ten years in the past.

The next thing I knew, [your name] was saying my name over and over again, shaking my body violently for me to snap out of it. I found myself to be a crying hyperventilating mess.

I could feel the warm tears flow down my face even harder as I slowly came back to reality.

"Shhhh. It's okay. I'm here."

[your name] said, holding me close, under one sleeping bag.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Marina."

I looked at [your name] who kissed my hand and continued to rub my shoulders. I could tell that he/she/they was/were holding back tears. I wasn't mad at all. I had flashbacks all the time in the past.

"No I'm sorry. I ruined the moment. Please don't feel bad or guilty."

Our lips locked once more. I couldn't help but let moans slip out of my mouth as [your name] gently kissed my neck whilst feeling along my torso, stomach, up to my ribs and down again. My breathing became irratic. I smiled and rocked my hips a bit, covering my face with my hands.

"It tickles."

I groaned, feeling my face heat up.

"I know, it's so cute."

I felt [your name's] hands slowly gripping up my thigh, turning me on even more.

"I know sex is hard for you, so we just got to communicate more, okay? Tell me what you need, alright?"

"I need you right now."

I smiled, with tears in my eyes and muttered words that I never thought I'd get to say.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Marina."

We both fell asleep in one sleeping bag that night.

Seventeen (Marina Diamandis X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now