A Deal is a Deal

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"You said what?" Juno asked dumb-fondly for the third time since I mentioned him the whole evening's encounter with Samar.

I sighed. "I agree, okay! It was a real low blow for me to offer money for such a thing. But you need to understand Juno, he was walking away. There was no way I could have let him go. I needed him for this" the desperation was clear in my voice. Jeez! What is happening to me!

"Come on Tee! Don't you think you are taking this fake boyfriend to fresher's party thing too far?" he shifted his position from sprawled on my bed to a sitting one to make space for me to sit. "You don't need to prove anything to anyone. It is fine if you have changed and do not want to date anyone. It's your choice and no one has any right to say anything to you for this. No one!" there was genuine care and concern in his eyes for me. I smiled at him.

Juno was truly the only person who understood me for what I am and not for my external achievements and traits. After I left the cafe today, the only person I wanted to talk to was him, and all it took was one message for him to turn up an hour later at my doorstep. He had  been visiting my place since childhood, sometimes for long sleepovers and sometimes just to handover my notes. But every time my parents treat him as if he had always stayed here. Just like right now, we were sprawled on my bed upside down discussing the recent tragedies of my life while my mom was baking Juno's favorite Blueberry muffins for us.

"Awe Juno! I appreciate your concern, but you need to understand my point. It is not only about proving myself to someone but it's also about Mohit. Lisa is not the right girl for him and I need him to realize this. Moreover, it's not like I am doing something illegal by paying Samar for being my fake boyfriend" I used my innocent and defensive tone.

"It may not be illegal but it is immoral Tee, and you know that!" he accused. "Do you think Aunt Meera will be in favor of this endeavor of yours?"

"Mom doesn't need to know about  this! This is teenage stuff. She will not be interested in these things" Ya right! "And if it's so immoral as you say, then why did Samar did not out rightly deny my offer? Why did he say that he needed until tomorrow to think about this?" Why am only I the bad guy in all this!

"May be he is in need of money or he simply wants to help you, as a friend" Juno made his speculations.

"Oh it is the money, trust me! You should have seen his face when I said five thousand bucks for two days. It was like his whole body language changed. And anyways any blind one could also make out, that that guy is in desperate need for money. He is on scholarship and he works in that rat house for god's sake. The most expensive coffee of that place is less than a hundred bucks. What do you think they pay him?" Come on! Five thousand bucks can do wonders for him, and that is too for such a small thing. Am I not the one doing a favor to him!

"And what if he denies? I mean he had not accepted your offer yet. He may think out of it in the meantime" Juno shrugged.

"Oh come on Juno! I don't wanna listen to your 'what ifs' any more. I am pretty sure his answer will be in the affirmative tomorrow. For god's sake, it is no rocket science being my fake boyfriend for a day. Why are you guys making such a big deal out if it?" I was exhausted by this discussion now.

As if on cue, my mom entered with a tray filled with bluish purple muffins freshly baked, the smell enveloping my room. I love my mom! "Here you go kids! Juno's favorite" my mom announced proudly setting the tray at the middle of my bed.

Juno's eyes sparkled at the sight of them and soon we both forgot the earlier debate. "Aunt Meera, You. Are. A. Rock star" he spoke between bites of his muffins. My mom delighted at his comment. Ya! A rock star calling her a rock star!

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