The Resort

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The next morning reminded me of a scene from Home Alone wherein the whole house was upside down running and screaming to get themselves ready, making sure not to miss the train. I wondered if I could have been the little boy that was left behind. But my plan to escape failed as soon as Alisha burst into my room early to announce that she won't be leaving my side until we reach our destination. Ugh! However, along with the annoyance, there was also a feeling of contentment at her words. Oh! M going all softy again!

So here it was after two hours, me and my sorry ass at Sealdah Railway station waiting at a platform for our scheduled train along with two hundred relatives, chatting and munching over and above the aloud decibels. Alisha and one of the many girls (her friend Jyoti, I guess) were beside me, sitting over a VIP bag(like me), chatting about nail paint shades for different ceremonies. Seriously! I managed with my sister's help to turn a wicker basket into a cage for Lucy, who was now sleeping peacefully beside my leg in her luxurious crib. At least one of us was enjoying herself!

The train had not even slowed down completely, when people started throwing their luggage and themselves inside the compartments as if there was a war of independence going on and if they did not board the train, they will be slaughtered. The whole scenario was a bit amusing, so as the circus continued, I dragged my bag and Lucy to a corner and waited for the storm to subside. After ten minutes, the whole lot was apparently settled, when Chris found me and lifted my bag and started walking towards the train. Ookay! I followed him quietly until he dumped my bag under a seat adjacent to which Alisha and all of her girlfriends were already settled. I opened my mouth to mumble a thanks to my brother but he already turned and moved to the other compartments. Huh! Something is not going to change!

In the next two hours, all my early happiness to remain beside my sister disappeared since I had to share my compartment with six loudspeakers. Trust me when I say this, but nothing is worse than listening to six excited and loud girls. Alisha and her friends were talking continuously for the last two hours about anything and everything, and it didn't seem that they were anywhere near the end yet. I tried to concentrate on my journals but gave up after twenty minutes. Alisha tried to involve me in her discussions twice or thrice by asking my opinions on clothes and color combinations and stuff, but I successfully escaped with a nod or the patent 'I don't know' comment. Lucy was now awake and was curled on my lap in the form of a ball. It seems she was unable to fit in here as well. I guess a nap is in order!

A pair of deep blue eyes was staring at me. It was a very unique shade of blue, the kind of blue one would find at the deepest level of the ocean. They were the eyes, I would have recognized anywhere. They belonged to a face I would have recognized anywhere. Blue soft eyes, jet black hair ruffled all over his forehead, pink full lips showing an all teeth smile. Oh my! That smile. The smile on his face melted into a deeper expression full of intensity. I love you Tamanna. I wanted to spend my life with you! The face drowns into another one. It has the same blue eyes, a shade lighter may be. Nish! But he is not smiling, rather his expression is as if he's choking. I wanna go with you, Tam! He is shouting my name and.....

I wake up with a jolt gasping for air when I feel a hand on my shoulders shaking me up. I lift my eyes to see my concerned sister hovering over my seat. Although the berth was ice cold from air conditioning, I was covered in sweat and it seemed I couldn't breathe.

"Di! Are you okay?" the level of concern in my sister's voice was a bit high if compared to my experience with people. I adjusted my eyes to see all six pairs of eyes punching holes at me by their stares. "You were moaning and gasping in your sleep. We...we got scared" her voice broke.

"M...fine!" I finally managed somehow to break my reverie. "A bad dream"

"Do you need some water?" her posture relaxed seeing me doing fine and she shifted to her own chair.

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