I can pay you

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"I need your help" As soon as Sunday morning arrived and the caffeine opened up the pores of my alcohol fazed brain, the events of last night felt like a bundle of load on my head. My first instinct was to call the only person on this earth who can help me out of this mess. "I messed up big time Juno.. you got to help me" I was literally begging but as long as he was going to help, I didn't mind.

"Hold on! Which part are you talking about?" Juno commented playfully. I can hear the jamming of guitar in the background. He was on his Sunday morning class where he taught guitar to young ones. "The part where you got boozed just by a couple of beer jars last night and lashed at Lisa or when you splashed my passenger seat with vomit. OH no no...wait! Is it about your made up boyfriend you created to get your ex jealous" he was all sarcastic.

"Fine Juno! I am an idiot. There. Happy!"

"No..you are not" he sighed. "And that is why I am even more upset on your yesterday's performance. What's wrong Tee? This is not you" he spoke with genuine concern.

"Really Juno! Didn't you hear anything those bitches told me yesterday?" I felt hurt. I thought my best friend will understand my situation. "You were there. What was I supposed to do! I did what I thought best at that point"

"Seriously Tee! Then tell me. What are going to do now! Built a mountain of lies to cover the one you can't take back?"

"Technically the whole part was not a lie. And well....I do have a plan" I told him calmly. I needed Juno for this!

"What do you mean?"

"The guy, the one I claimed to be my boyfriend, he is not imaginary. There is a Samar Shekhawat in my class" I then told him everything about the previous day's encounter with the guy  and the Scooty ride.

"So you think that a guy who happens to be in the same class of yours and who once out of courtesy gave you a lift will be willing to act your boyfriend. My my...sometimes I doubt about your sense of reality" he was totally fazed by my plan. Not the reaction I expected!

"I appreciate your optimism my friend" I commented sarcastically. What the hell! You are my friend and are supposed to help me. Period

He sighed. "Look Tee! I really gotta go and seriously...it always ends up happening whatever you want. So let's just spare the unnecessary discussion and get to the point. What do you need me to do in all this?" I smiled. That's more like my Juno!

"Now you are talking! Okay..I want you to get all the information you could gather about this guy. Samar Shekhawat of B.Sc. honors. And I want it fast. You have until tomorrow" Till then I need to convince him my way!

"And why is that?"

"Oh come on Juno! He will be willing to do such a huge favor then I need to offer something as well. It called leveraging. Don't you watch movies" just get on with it.

"Fine! I will never get your movie theories. I'll see what I can do" I know he was getting exhausted but I loved him for it.

"Love you Juno! You are the best"

"Ya Ya! Let's get the job done first" With that he hung up.

Now as Juno was on board, there was only one thing standing in the way of my perfect plan of Getting-ex boyfriend-back mission. Rather someone. Samar Shekhawat! Here I come!


The next morning I was all set with my plan to lure Samar Shekhawat to help me. Step one, be nice and friendly towards him in class, Step two, get him to meet me somewhere private, step three, convince him to be my boyfriend for two days in return of anything he wants and step four...well! Let's just focus on the three first.

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