The Disaster Wedding

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I woke up to the smell of the same delicious black coffee, I have been receiving everyday since my arrival here. But why today? I thought that whatever happened yesterday must have changed Rajat's mind about being with me. Sure enough, he defended me infront of his mother, but wasn't it a step too far for the master-of-the-universe Rajat Singhania to marry an alleged thief?

"You are having self doubts. Aren't you?" his husky voice broke through my sleep induced haze and I looked groggily in his direction where he was lounged at the sofa, one leg dangling over other, a smirk on his face. How did he enter my room?

"Good morning to you too" I stretched and leaned towards the hot cup of coffee waiting for me. He chuckled softly and shook his head.

"How did I get the privilege of waking up to the voice of the mighty Rajat Singhania?" I asked flatly and his grin deepened.

"Won't you ask, how did I enter your room?" he amusingly raised his eyebrows. What entailed such a playful mood this morning!

I shrugged and sipped my coffee, my sleep induction not bothering to answer. He sighed and stood up to walk towards the window, his eyes looking out but not focused on anything particular.

"I wanted to apologise for tomorrow Tamanna" he spoke firmly. Oh! "My mother was very rude to you and told some really demeaning stuff" he frowned, genuinely sorry for his mother's behaviour. Jeez! Is he real!

"'s no problem! I'm cool" I muttered lamely. Hell! What do you say to that? Your mom was a bitch to me mister? An apology won't suffice?

"I also wanted to tell you that yesterday's incident won't affect our deal", he turned towards me and smiled, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I don't think you stole the necklace".

I snorted at his comment. "Why do you think I care?" his smile vanished and he looked taken aback by my casualness. Why? I do not owe him any explanation of my actions. "It's cool that our deal is on. I appreciate it. Besides that, I don't care if you or your mother think of me as a thief" I shrugged and removed my blanket to get up.

His eyes once flickered at the lack of bottoms in my night wear, but his expression stabilised as he took in my words. "Why do you do this every time?" he asked quietly, but making sure I hear.

"Excuse me!" I was angry now. Boy! Why is he being so territorial on me!

"After those things we have discussed, after all that I have told you, why are you so cold towards me?" he shook his head in disgust.

"Jeez! Why are you getting so touchy all of a sudden? I never asked you to open your heart out to me. You volunteered that information" I opened the basket that was Lucy's makeshift bed and she purred at me. "And if you think that your opening your heart will make me owe you some politeness, you are not as smart as you look".

I felt him close behind me when he jerked me around, so I was face to face to angry brown eyes. "So it's just a deal to you?" he was shaking me by my upper arms, and I jerked out from his strong grip.

"Ofcourse it's just a deal for me" I shouted. "What do you expect! You offered something I wanted, in return of being your arm candy wife, and I agreed. That's it!" I completed forcefully.

He looked into my eyes for a whole minute and released a deep breath. "Fine!" he spoke in his no nonsense voice. "In that case, it would be better you give some input in keeping your end of the deal".

"What do you mean?" I was confused. I just need to marry him. What else?

"The deal is not about just marrying me" he spoke without any emotion, as if reading my mind. "You need to behave like a girl about to get married. Make peace with my Mom and indulge with my relatives." Boy! Did he think he could order me round!

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