Let's Make a Deal

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I opened my mouth and closed it, confused and speechless for a very long time. Did he just...proposed marriage to me? Surely I heard it wrong! It can't be...

"You heard it right Tamanna...I want you to marry me" he spoke as if reading my mind. Psychic much!

Suddenly I had the unfamiliar urge to laugh and a giggle escaped my throat. That was it! I broke out in fits of laughter, clutching my stomach to subdue it. Jeez! This man is so unexpected.

"Only you...only you Mr. Singhania, can express his undying love for a girl at one moment and propose another to marriage in the next" I spoke between laughter. I peeked at him to find his expression dead serious and my laughter faded. Shit! He IS serious!

"You are serious" I spoke it like a statement rather than a question. He simply nodded for his reply. Fuck!

I jumped up to my feet, all previous sympathy and care forgotten. I was seething with anger. He stood up too, his irritating courteousness overtaking.

"How dare you?" I literally spat the words at him. "Are you making fun of me? Did Aunt Beena or her slutty daughter set you up for this?" I shouted at him, my voice laced with anger but also sadness. It was insane. How could he? I had started feeling warm towards this man and now he goes and does this...It was a big big mistake. I should not have allowed him opening up to me. Thank God I didn't tell him anything.

"What! That's what you think about me? Someone will tell me to hurt you purposely, and I'll do it?" he was genuinely hurt by my allegations.

"But you did hurt me purposely" I retorted.

"Tamanna..Please listen me out first, then take any decisions. I think you are overreacting" he spoke in perfect control.I always want to punch his face whenever he reacts so calmly to my anger.

"Overreacting!" I was shocked by his casualness. "We have known each other for five fucking minutes and you want to marry me! Are you fucking serious?" I shouted, all limits forgotten.

"Language Tamanna" he spoke authoritatively as if chastising a child. It enhanced my anger further.

"Don't you dare boss me..and don't change the topic" I spoke to his face. "Tell me..tell me why are you doing this? Are you sympathizing me? Poor Tamanna...no one wants her, not even her family! Let's marry her and pull her out of her misery" I mocked sarcastically. "Or are you running low on your Corporate Social Responsibility and need to do a charity!"

"It's not a charity, Tamanna" he had not left his cool persona yet. "It's a proposition"

Proposition...I halted at that word, a whirlwind of flashbacks going through my head. I have a proposition for you! The voice of nineteen year old Tamanna clear in my head. No! no! not again..Why! Why does his words always connect with my past. Why!

"What proposition?" my pitch was lower than before, curiosity winning over anger.

"Can we sit and discuss this like mature adults" he spoke carefully gauging my reaction. Hmm! My anger had scared him. Good! He deserved it..

Now that my anger had subdued, I contemplated the situation for a minute, finally decided to hear him out. I may have convicted him in my anger, but I don't think it's a joke or setup. Mr. Singhania is not a person who jokes around. So I walked towards my usual spot and sat quietly, waiting for him to drop the bomb. He, too tiptoed to his usual spot and sat down, his eyes boring into me the whole time.

"Well..." I chastised him to speak, getting impatient every moment. Marry me Tamanna! Urgghh!

"So...First of all, it is not a romantic kind of proposal" he cleared his throat as if embarrassed to say those words. I snorted at the ridiculousness of this situation.

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