I have a boyfriend

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"You know Akki! Too much tequila is not good. Alcohol not broken down by the liver goes to the rest of the body, including the brain. Alcohol can affect parts of the brain that control movement, speech, judgment, and memory."

"Oh shut up Tammy!" one of my best friends Aakriti slurred. "Are you even listening to yourself!"

"I know..we are in the only bar in town that serves to below twenty one and there is a great variety of booze and all you can think about is of your judgement and memory!" my other friend Anushka taunted me.

"Who wants fucking memory!" Aakriti shouted to no one in particular and giggled.

I sighed. It had been almost an hour since I arrived at the grill and all I have seen yet was both my best friends drinking shots after shots, talking about some designer or bitching of their hot classmate while I was playing with my first jar of beer. Huh! Bad idea!

"You know Tammy! We really miss you these days. Your transfer to Science department was a shock to both of us" Anushka said over emotionally. Jeez! Was she going to cry?

"I know guys, I miss you too but you know how much I love science. Career comes first right!" And the fact that my Dad thought that you two had a negative influence on me.

"Well! I know someone who is very happy at your transfer Tammy." Aakriti smiled conspiringly.

"Who?" that peeked my interest.

"Well Duh! Lisa Of course. Finally she got the one thing she wanted" Aakriti smiled triumphantly as if it was herself she was talking about.

"What do you mean Akki?" Well! This doesn't sound good.

"You don't know!" this time Anushka spoke with fake shock on her face. "Mohit and Lisa are back together. They are now like the hottest couple of St. Helen's"

The color drained off my face. This can't be happening. When you break up with a guy, he is supposed to sulk about it for weeks. Then he is supposed to try and get the girl back and even if then she is not ready, then he is supposed to friend zone the girl and then move on. That is the basic rule of breakup. How could he move on in less than a month and that too with that slutty Lisa. What's wrong with him. He didn't even try talking to me once.

As if some telepathy thing was happening, in the same moment, my ex-boyfriend entered the bar with his ex-turned-current girlfriend at his arm. He was looking his usual charming self in a v-cut peach t-shirt and dark blue denims whereas she was wearing a skin hugging shimmering material that barely covered her tits and thighs. Gawd! What does he sees in her! Well duh! Obviously he sees whatever she is showing off right now. If not for my terribly poor lack of judgment, I would have been the one with her.

"You know what! I think whatever happens is always for some good" Anushka commented dreamily playing with her glass of vodka.

"What do you mean?" these two were now starting to piss me off.

"I mean just look at them" she pointed towards the couple who were publicly displaying their affection. A bit over displaying. "They look so perfect together, whereas you and Mohit....let just say not a good mix" she remarked challenging. Oh really!

"Oh really! You mean I was not worth being his girlfriend?" I got my piss off tone up. Enough with your caring drama.

"Relax Tammy! Don't get so defensive" Aakriti spoke after a long time defending her partner in crime. "We mean that you have changed since high school and even you will admit the fact. You used to be so much fun back then. Now, you are all about your classes and grades and tests. Seriously babe, you have lost your edge" she remarked judgmentally.

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