The So-Called Family

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I had never been able to decode the reason behind all the fuss of an Indian wedding. I mean it's just a ceremony to tie two people together! Why this nonstop ten days nonsense! The next day was a series of events and Sehgal Mansion looked like as if being prepared for a celebrity to come.

When I entered the living area for breakfast, there were people all around running, cleaning the already clean utensils, adjusting garlands at window sills. I thought of asking someone whether the wedding was shifted from the destination to the bride's place, but since the only known person in the vicinity was my mother, I ignored it. Instead I helped myself with an apple and placed myself on one of the wide windows that stretched along the living room. I felt my mom's eyes flicker on me but it was gone as soon as it happened and she continued to throw orders and do her work.

There was not much to do for me since weddings were so not my thing! So I just stayed perched on that window all morning reading my theories with Lucy playing on my lap. I saw a lot of ceremonials things happening in the living room, most of which involved Alisha sitting in the middle of the lot, wearing a sari with lots of green and red bangles and doing some stuff with turmeric and rice. At times she used to look up and smile at me, may be her way of acknowledging my presence. Apart from her, no one bothered to even look at me for which I was grateful.

Around noon, when the ceremonies were being wrapped up to be moved to the lawn area for an apparently more important ceremony, it was then I heard a familiar male voice calling for his mother. I realised that it was my mother reacting to his voice since the person calling was my brother. Chris Sehgal! Chris!

He had a huge travel bag at his back and a wide grin on his face when he entered the living room. As soon as he saw our mother, he dropped his bag and took her in a big hug sweeping her off her feet. I saw my mother beam with joy and instantly felt envious.

"OMG Maa! You look younger every time I see you" he grinned his dimpled smile and my throat filled with unnamed emotions. My baby-brother! He has grown up so much in these years! "People are going to get confused between bride and her mother" he winked.

"Ah! Shut up...And let me tell you Chris, this technique of yours is not going to work this time. I am very angry with you" However her words didn't match her expressions which were playful and full of love towards my brother. "You were supposed to be here a week before".

"Oh come on Mom! I didn't get a holiday. Besides we can discuss this later. Firstly, I am famished and secondly, let me meet my sister first".

For a second my heart stopped as soon as he said the word 'sister'! It has been two years! Two years since my baby-brother had talked to me! My little sweetheart! My parents always wanted a boy but due to medical complications, my mom could not conceive after Alisha. It was after eight years when finally Chris was born. A whole ten years younger to me. He had been the thoroughly loved and pampered one in our family, especially by me. He used to call me 'Sunshine' when he was young since I was the one waking him up every day when the first rays of the sun fell on his bed. Until!

"Ally..." his voice rang throughout the mansion as he hugged Alisha in the same way he did mom." Fatty finally landed herself a guy" he teased and Alisha made a face which made him laugh louder. It was then, his eyes fell on me, who was still standing near the window awkwardly, as if I had stepped into someone else's family's intimate moments. His laughter was swiped from his face, leaving a jaw clenching expression. He stared long before speaking.

"What the hell is she doing here?" he asked with chilling hatefulness. This single question was enough to break my emotional reverie and expectations of any happy reunion and I was instantly brought back to the harsh reality.

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