🤍 Chapter 4 🤍

Start from the beginning

When Kimitsuki looked up, she noticed that everyone had stopped working, and even the teacher, and they were staring at Izuku. She bit the inside of her lip, turning around to stop Izuku.

"Izu-Chan," Kimitsuki hissed quietly, feeling second-hand embarrassment. "Izu-Chan!"

"Bodybuilding to create a body able to adapt to any situation..." Izuku continued onwards, oblivious. "Literally intensive training to become a hero... All Might can't stay and watch me the whole time..."

"Hey, Izu-Chan..." Kimitsuki asked, but saw their teacher's detachable hand flying over to Izuku.

"If I don't do as much efficient independent training as I can," Izuku muttered. "There's no way I can catch up the way I am now... Anyway, I'll have to cut –"

"Midoriya, hey!" the teacher said, smacking him over the head and bringing him back to reality. "Did your encounter with the villain make you go crazy? It's presumptuous to think of getting into U. A. like that,"

Izuku clamped a hand over his mouth and Kimitsuki frowned as everyone started to laugh at her friend. She wanted to say something to them – but she thought she was too much of a coward when she couldn't even figure out what to say. She couldn't just tell them that Izuku was going to get into U. A. when they knew of him as Quirkless. She couldn't tell them about All Might and Quirk either.

"A nervous breakdown already?"

"That's scary,"

Letting out another sigh, Kimitsuki looked back down at her notebook, flipping it over to the where she had detailed out her study schedule for the entrance exam as well. There was so much to do.


For the rest of the week, All Might made both Kimitsuki and Izuku go on with cleaning out the beach but also made them do some strength training by getting them to stack two tires atop each other and then push them with their sheer muscle strength alone, as well as run along the entire beach.

Training wasn't so difficult for Kimitsuki, it was the other aspects of her life that were becoming a bit of a trouble for her. For one, she didn't have enough money to buy the food listed in the menu.

"What do we do, Neko-Chan?" Kimitsuki asked her cat as she trailed back and forth in her bare bedroom, counting through the savings she had left. "This isn't enough to spend on extra food!"

Sighing, Kimitsuki plopped down on the mattress that served as her bed and stuffed the money back away, getting out her budget notebook and flipping through it to the most recent transactions.

"What do we do?" Kimitsuki mumbled, running a hand through her long silvery white hair. "I have to keep those savings for the entrance exam fee, for the text books, for the uniform... if I get in, of course,"

Neko, the one-year-old white cat, walked over to Kimitsuki and reached up to nibble on her finger before licking and stroking his head against it. It was obvious he was trying to comfort her and Kimitsuki smiled, stroking his head back to let him know that she understood his feelings, too.

"I know I said I'll study music or fashion, and we'll live in a nice house..." Kimitsuki told him. "But I have decided to become a Hero... and to become a Hero, I can't focus on the money,"

Even though so many people became Hero for money, Kimitsuki couldn't bring herself to do that. Maybe because of the negative connotations to it or maybe because she was just that narrow-minded...

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