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So does the color of my skin mean something to you
Are you scared because im scared
Do you step outside with fear?
Because i do
Do you slow down for the police?
Because i do
Are you traumatized because the color of your skin?
Because i am
I realize that
My blackness is seen as a threat
My blackness is not beautiful
My blackness kills
My blackness is a thug who should be shot down and killed
My blackness is dangerous-
I  leave my home with a timer ready to just go off in the hands of another
My life just taken away in front of my mother
I wish not death on another brother-
How can we live in peace when peace is so nonexistent-
My full hair and my luscious lips
Is that what your jealous of?
Are you upset because i can dance to the rhythm of my beat when you can't even find rhythm -
beat us -
Rape us -
Enslave us-

But you could never break us-
My blackness may be seen as weak
My blackness is a nation
My blackness is powerful
and i seek no validation-

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