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Funny how pain works sometimes.
Im not talking about physical pain
Im talking about the pain you feel when you can't do it anymore , yet you keep fighting for some reason
The pain you feel , when your relationship is trash but yet you keep fighting
The pain I've experienced is the most painful of them all
This pain makes you
From head to toe
This pain makes you
Rethink your purpose of living
This pain doesn't just hurt
It deteriorates you completely
Strips you away from the bits and pieces of humanity you've got left.
But yet you keep fighting
When its evident that you
My friend have been lost the battle
My guess is,
You keep trying because its something in you that wont
For an answer.
Dear friend, I am much like you
A fighter,
Someone who has lived through "Pain"
Someone who has tried to grasp onto reality
Someone who smiles upfront,But behind open doors
Fights her own Monsters.
Fights her own Battles.

Im not a therapist
Im a survivor.
And I can assure you Everything will be alright.

May you have Peace & Prosperity
- Signs the one who cares.

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