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We live in a world so full of terror
So full of betrayal
You could have a best friend
Who you share everything with.
Yet that "bestie"
Would be your worst enemy
Now in this world we live in
Everyone takes everything for granted
Specially Relations
You could be my girl today
Then the next day
I could say
I never seen you
I never touched
I never fucked you
Or even worse
I never loved you.
This Life,This world
I can always say
It has never treated me right
It has only brutalized me.
I've always fallen down
Because of Love
Something that i always hand out to the wrong person.
Something i used to take for granted
But I've rebuilt myself with the mentality that
No one should be Loved
Ever again.
Love is a tool for manipulation
Don't you ever fall for the trap.

Poetic Disturbances.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ