The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit

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I write with a confused mind and distorted heart
I keep falling in love with you while falling out of love with you
I don't know if you're the poison to my heart or the key to it
I never understood why you meant so much to me
When my mind and my heart deserved so much better
I never understood why I was just another option to you
You meant so much to me
And I meant so little
You left me when I desired love and unconditional support
You left when I least expected you to

Wanting your warm body to wrap around me when I lost all my feeling
I can't imagine how I would love without you
How I would feel without you
I can't breathe without you
I understand you're no good for me but why leave me
I need you and I know you need me
I don't need you to come back
But I need you to need me

Alleviate the pain that has come with abandonment
I understand you live a life with no remorse
But please be merciful for I love you with no concern
I play blind but continue to envision myself with you

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