Dear Family.

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I fell for the part where you said
"Im there whenever you need me"
You dont understand how serious those few words mean to me
How loud they speak to me
I believed in your words
But you never believed in me
I believed you understood my pain
But you only clowned me in shame
Many days i spent alone
Couldnt find a way to tell you i was in pain
I believed  you
you said i was fine
Never knew i was never fine
Could you believe such pain
Has stuck
And made me insane
I cant trust the words that float out of your mouth
For i cannot believe another lie
I cannot trust
I cannot trust because
I thought i was okay
You said i was okay
She said i was okay
But i wasnt
You made me believe this was just a phase
But i wasnt okay

I spent my days in my cave of sorrows
Reminiscing and dwelling on
Nonexistent pain
Nothing short of a constant thought
That becomes a disfigured fear

"Im there when you need me"
Turned to
"You've reached the voicemail of-"
I learned to heal within my boundaries
For i had not heal
I believed in a sentence
Said by many
But many didnt believe in me
So i was sentenced

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