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The beautiful creature
With the fair complexion.
With the Beautiful pearly smile.
we all have that one person
We swear up and down
Till infinite and beyond
Till death do us part
That you'd be together
Oh my gosh
That fucking word
Ive finally realized what a disappointment that fucking ignorant word is.
Till you come across
What you come to believe was your soulmate
Practically someone who tears your soul to pieces
And plays with your heart like damn yo-yo
Never coming to realize
You've actually had feelings for them
Soon You'd fallen so deeply into theyre trap
Until your just too deep that you can barely crawl out
Your just stuck
Struck as i say
Soon you're
Is the person whom has devasted you
Soon you're
Turns into the person
You will eventually have to say
"Goodbye,see you till never"

But a beautiful soul like you
Shouldn't Suffer
Is Temporary.

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