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I feel like your not sure about what you really want
And after you get into a relationship
You always forget about me
Even though im the only person that actually sits there and listens to your cries and solitude
I always fall into a deep trap
No matter who you think is your destined lover
Thats not completely true
You might find the person that completes your other half
But you might be feeding off of illusions
But once you start breathing the right amount of reality again
You begin to witness a different amount of
"Love" and understanding about who people really are
And what they are using you for
Because think of this way
Everyone has a purpose
But what is yours?
To sit around and listen to other people problems
"Other people" turn into one specific
The one you swore up and down you were going to marry
But it turns out this person
Is not for you
You been realized it but try to pretend like
Thats not true
And it is
You are stuck between reality and Neutrality
You want to live
Yet you want to sit back and watch shit play out
Thats amazing
But not so amazing
At times i realize the mistakes ive made to actually entrust other people
But it was for the best
But it is my last
I vow not to be with anyone until i know its real
Until it is
I vow not to fall inlove again till i know it is
I vow to work on a better image and let myself chase greatness and also let greatness chase me
But most importantly I vow to wait for the right one to come along
And to not get into any relationship that is fed off of temptation

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