The Past Is In the Past

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"I'm sorry. You're how old?" Alaric asked incredulously. 

"Almost 2,800 years. I said my family moved to Rome? We actually helped found it. My father's name was Marcus. We immigrated when I was 5 years old, along with a few other families who helped to found the city."

"I have spent over two millenia trying to take Circe down. And, I couldn't let anything stop me from fulfilling that goal. Not even sentimental attachment. In 1436, I traveled once again to Italy, to visit my family home. I was traveling there when I happened upon you lot. I knew immediately what you were. I could smell it on you. So, I befriended you. I wanted to know what it felt like to be among my own kind."

"But, then, why did you never tell us? Why keep it a secret?" Elijah queried.

"I-I don't know really. I suppose I was afraid. I didn't know how you'd respond. And, I wanted to keep it a secret. I couldn't let anyone know who and what I was. Not even the four of you. And, because I thought that by keeping it a secret from you, it would make it easier for me to leave when the time came, because I knew that I would need to once again fake my death, and it would be a lot easier if still no one knew I am an immortal." 

"But, I...I had become quite attached to you. All of you. You became my family. My brothers, and the sister the I never had. I hated leaving you. But, when 3 years had passed, and I was still in Italy with you, I knew that it was time to part ways. I couldn't give up on my quest, because I knew that if I did, I could lose all of you to Circe. And I couldn't bear it if that happened. And I also couldn't let you figure out that I was a vampire. I knew that if I stayed much longer, you would realize that i wasn't aging. So, I faked my death. And disappeared. Changed my name. And forged a new identity. And I have spent a lifetime running from you lot while also trying to find Circe. Believe me, it has not been easy."

"I wish that things had been different. That none of this had happened. And we are."

Everyone was silent for a moment, before Klaus spoke up.

"What is her goal? What is it exactly that she wants?"

Gen shrugged her shoulders. "What is it that anyone with power wants? More power. Domination. She wishes to control every life on Earth. Growing up she felt unseen, unheard, she felt powerless. She has no desire to go back to that. She wants to continue growing in power until a single touch could kill. Her bloodlust is vastly greater than any you have ever experienced."

Damon sighed. "Great. Another supervillain. Just what I wanted," he remarked sarcastically.

Gen looked around at the group. "We do have a few advantages, though. Long ago, when the other sirens and I saw the bloodlust and darkness she carried with her, we enacted a spell that hindered her gifts. Most sirens have to journey to the sea frequently in order to retain their immortality, and to replenish their power, because our power comes from the sea. However, we banished her from every ocean, so while she still has some power, which she draws from fresh water, it has lost much of its potency. And, she no longer has use of her voice to lure in others. Should she try to use it, it will push people away, and maybe even send them into a frenzy, causing them to attack her."

"How is it that in all your years, which apparently have been long, you still haven't her? Perhaps you're not as powerful as you believe," Klaus smirked.

Genevieve's eyes flared with anger, and began to glow ever so slightly, as the wind began to pick up, blowing hard. "Do not underestimate me, Klaus Mikaelson," her voice firm, and sounding like an echo and a shout at the same time. "I promise you will regret it." The wind died down, and her eyes returned to normal. "As it happens, I had caught her, and locked her away. But, unfortunately, some moronic fools came along and let her out, believing they could use her for their own gain, but were sorely mistaken. I have spent the last 300 years trying to find her again. And now, I believe I know where she is headed. Perhaps, you can tell me why Klaus."

His face turned sour. "Where is she headed?"

"New Orleans. Will you tell me why, or must I figure it out for myself?"

His eyes widened in realization.


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