Special Episode: The Remnant Beyond Duo & The "Mercury"-ium Servant

Start from the beginning

Everyone behind me were extremely worried as they have never seen this guy in front of me before and he may try something funny, too. That is until they hear giggling from the mysterious person and me, to their confusion. Then, to their greater shock, they see us laughing while doing our own handshake. 

(A/N: The handshake from South Park starts at 0:19 and ends at 0:21.)

And at the end of the handshake, we clash-bounce our Caliburs. After that, we lower our blades and shook hands, to everyone's  confusion.

{Me/Summer (Voices in sync)}/Shido: (Does the handshake) BOOM, BABY!!! (We swiftly turn as we clash bounce our caliburs. After that, we lower our blades and shook hands)

We release our grip from our handshake as I placed my hand on Shido's shoulder while smiling in relief.

Me/Summer (Voices in sync): My old friend. 

Shido: Shadow, it has been a while. And I sense your powers are about to be a whole, and you have the similar weapon as me. Noice.

Me/Summer(Voices in sync): (Chuckles) Long story short, I have been given unimaginable power by the Maidens to defeat a common foe.

Shido: Salem, correct?

Shido asked.

My eyes widened for a brief second as he knew who we are after. So, I asked questions on how he knew about her and when.

Me/Summer(Voices in sync): How did you-

Shido: My Master and I happened to have... bumped into few of her associates. So, I forced someone to break and yeah.... thats's how I know of Salem as they toldme everything.

Me/Summer(Voices in sync): Did you...

Shido: No, I didn't force them unecessarily. Well, they didn't answer our questions. So, as taught by you, I forced them to answer, when it was necessary.

Me/Summer(Voices in sync): Excellent. Good you are improving.

Shido: Well,..... several fans began to seek my assistance or they want to talk to me or they want to hang out with me so... heheh. Oughta thank you for that.

Me/Summer(Voices in sync): Heheh. No problem.

I said.

Then, from the crowd, Qrow and Apollonir went up to me as they began to ask about Shido.

Qrow: Uuuh, Icepop? Who's this kid??

Apollonir: How did you know him???

Summer (In Shadow's Mind): Yeah. I never see him before.

Me/Summer(Voices in sync): Oh!

I turned around while introducing Shido to everyone, reverting my sync-ed voice back to my normal voice.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now