Volume 5: The Chosen wielding the Power of Fire and Ice

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the seventeenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!! zombienitro02 and azurecrozz, this one is for you.


It was my bedtime and I am fast asleep in my bed, in the house that was cattered to us and everyone seems to be already fast asleep in the house, with somesleepingon the chairs and couch, including the floors of each bedroom as there are no beds left. As I slept on, I kept hearing voicescalling for me. It kept calling me for a few minutes until I had enough that I had to storm out of my bed to wake up, only to see myself in the white void once again.

Me: Oh crap... I didn't know they called....

Summer & The Four maidens: Shadow Wrath.

I swiftly turned towards them as I apologised.

Me: Summer, Four Maidens of Remnant. Greetings. And I must apologise for my agressio--

Amber: It's alright. It was never our intention to disturb you at your time of rest.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: Forgive us, but... We have news for you.

When the Spring Maiden said this, my eyes widened when I heard there are news to be told.

Me: News? What is it?

Unnamed Summer Maiden: During the Battle for Haven, we saw your performances with two interesting Huntsmen.

Unnamed Winter Maiden: And how they worked together as brothers, we thought that maybe we can entrust them with each our powers.

Me: Meaning?

Amber: You have the power to give each Huntsmen or Huntresses each of our powers.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: But, you can only do so when we call you to tell you that we haave found the one who can do so.

Me: Okay.

Summer: And as of now, we've chosen two who are brothers. Kori Hiyasu and Jason Hiyasu.

Me: Grease Blizzard... Cross-Z Magma.... GOD DAYUM!!! I get it! I know what powers to give them.

Unnamed Winter Maiden: And we have the same idea as yours, too.

Unnamed Winter and Summer Maiden: After the gods, Summer Rose and ourselves talked among ourselves about these two brothers, we have decided to give them the Summer and Winter Maidens's powers by your hands.

Amber: But, what is given to them, your powers will remain unchangable.

Me: And why is that, my friends?

Summer: Because when we past our powers to you, we made sure we made our powers always stay within you, permanently so that Salem and her faction will not get their hands on them to grab the relics.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now