Volume 3: Battle of Beacon

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the nineth episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei.

So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

Shadow: (Demonic Voice) ZEATHCIUM WINTER.... STOOORMMM!!!!!! (Launches attack on Grimm with Brute Force)

3rd Person's POV:

As crowds of screaming civilians and students rushed pass, Tenka continued trying to get Ruby, who was still Shadow me in his unconscious state, to come to her senses, or at least move.

Tenka: Ruby! Snap out of it! We gotta---

???: SHADOW!!!

Tenka turned toward the sound to see the Hayes sisters running their way towards Shadow's spot. Tenka instantly recognized them as his old patients. While the sisters were attending to Shadow's aide, Tenka's Scroll vibrated against his pocket. He fished it out and answered a group call of Yang and Blake's phone altogether.

Tenka: Blake! Yang! Thank goodness. Are you two okay?! Where's Weiss?

Blake: She's with me, Tenka! We're both in the fairgrounds right now. It's total chaos down here!

Tenka: I could say the same up here in the Colleseum!

Yang: Is Shadow there? Or Ruby at least?

Tenka: Yeah, they're both here with me.

Yang: I-Is she okay?!

Tenka looked over to Ruby, who is still hanging her head down in sadness and shock, not saying a word and not even moving a single muscle at all, then to Shadow, who was now being cared for by his two former patients.

Tenka: Not exactly. But the worse is happening on Shadow right now. He's been knocked out cold, but other than that, he seems fine. But enough about that! There's a giant Nevermore trying to break through the Colleseum's defenses, but we'll handle it! You girls will just have to focus on fighting all the Grimm down there so the people can get to safety!

Yang: I'm heading towards the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!

Blake: The White Fang is here?!

The moment Blake said this, Tenka heard the sound of glass smashing and the growling of Grimm on Yang's side, followed by multiple gunshots, which was highly familiar with her shotgun gauntlets

Blake: Yang?!

Tenka: Are you alright?!

Yang: No! I have to go!

Yang quickly hung up her call, leaving Tenka and Blake.

Tenka: Right. You two focus on saving lives, we'll handle Ruby and Shadow here. We'll meet up with you guys later! Be safe!

He hung up his call and quickly placed his Scroll back in his pocket. Tenka turned towards Ruby, only to see her not moving an inch. An idea came to his head just then, as he uses his Semblance to quickly dash towards one of Penny's swords down at the arena, none of the people being able to catch up with their vision on him, and grabbed one of them, then came rushing back to Ruby. Tenka glanced at the weaponry as he uttered...

Tenka: Look, Ruby. I know that you may not change what happened to Penny nor could I, but...

He then slowly brought Penny's sword to Ruby's field of vision.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن